IDontKnowQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

How can anyone of us claim to be proud red, white, and blue Americans when we’re ran by a gov facilitating human trafficking at extreme levels and we got Budget trucks shuttling around kids like this? I’ve accepted I live in some weird clown world hell controlled by pedo diddlers.

IDontKnowQ 6 points ago +6 / -0

Exactly it’s all fake bs. That sucker Bennie Thompson and company why are any of them walking freely right now? The Jan 6 committee needs trialed. None of what I’m saying is extreme thought, only just course of action.

IDontKnowQ 3 points ago +4 / -1

We’ve been condition to accept negative news. Legacy media preconditions us that it’ll be just like the 2020 debate…cool. What’s the point of alt media again? To grift off the dissent others who refuse to experience Stockholm syndrome as a result of some scum people in American Government making our entire existence shit.

IDontKnowQ 3 points ago +3 / -0

Dawned on me the whole “cheap fake” BS. They’ll call the Biden & Weiner laptops “cheap fakes” and the JA WikiLeak DNC Server they’ll slap a “cheap fake” title on it. Almost like social media “fact checkers”. Bring it all to the courts.

IDontKnowQ 7 points ago +7 / -0

“MAGA extremist chattering the inner zones anticipating JFK Jr’s return” I can see it already on a WSJ post. (Kinda helped them already with a killer title) KEK

IDontKnowQ 3 points ago +4 / -1

I hope fake news writes an article because of your comment now. And I hope they see my comment and still follow through with it because they have no life besides reporting on Qanon whatever that is or fake news.

IDontKnowQ 3 points ago +3 / -0

Unfortunately, for optics and the government never wanting to claim responsibility for any mistakes made on there part or behalf of…would rather act “oh well there’s nothing we can do about 2020” just gonna have to sweep it under the rug, focus on 2024, and not throw a wrench in the system while better preparing to make 2024 safe.

In reality (or back of their minds) it’s “oh shit they caught on to our election steal scheme, can’t use Covid anymore to trick them, and after 8 years targeting Trump it doesn’t do anything anymore but make him more popular. What do we do?

So any point during the past 4 years of Biden would’ve been opportune to have military sweep in and America flex that the system can’t be pimped, but it already has and whether it is or isn’t this go around doesn’t matter. Military Industrial Complex may want Trump to win now for optics and to plot around his exit for when his 2nd term ends and they can continue operations and pimp the system once more.

IDontKnowQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

That means Sharpton is a uncle…T..O….quickly exits chat before finishing

IDontKnowQ 6 points ago +6 / -0

Stuck out to me when he started to mention “Wind Burn” talking about female swimmers getting it from the males as they pass by. Felt like a Chuck Grassley type comm.

IDontKnowQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

But what does this mean for Lebrons legacy?

IDontKnowQ 3 points ago +3 / -0

Could a state like Texas operate outside the fed gov and trade and do business with say Mexico?

IDontKnowQ 6 points ago +6 / -0

Same and for Owen’s since she was one of the talent agency stars, so her, Bobert, Pressler, etc. are all just playing roles in the political arena.

IDontKnowQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

I believe Trump and Lake both actually won Arizona pretty easily. Enough people in Cali and NY already pissed at their governors for Covid-19 while trying to blame Trump instead for it all had those “primarily hard blue states” more light blue leading into 2020. I think people who cling to the MSM narrative will jump ship for Trump as they see his popularity increase and supporting him become “the norm” like it is and was already with the silent majority

IDontKnowQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

Zuckerberg machines in Wisconsin and places like Detroit had poll workers covering the windows with cardboard and removing poll watchers. Corruption was off the charts in 2020. Swing states were more purple than they made light blue with system flips and other techniques to rig for blue because the red wave was imminent until it suddenly wasn’t at the last moment. Trump rallied harder than ever in 2020 in the swing states, he earned enough to repeat his 2016 results and theirs no way Biden got more votes than even Killary.

IDontKnowQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’ve been seeing the illegal voters around the south in states where they won’t put up with it, but many Katie Hobbs type demonrats willingly take in the fraud in the swing states.

IDontKnowQ 4 points ago +4 / -0

If theirs so much security concerns why is BidenHarrisHQ on TikTok and why did Trump join. Vise versa, why is BidenHarrisHQ on Truth? All while congressman and women are bent on having it banned due to security concerns. I’m lost. Never joined TikTok after all the Chinese bull with it in 2020. I guess utilize every platform to garner more of the public perception.

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