I have a simple point here. Before Katrina, we had no IRC…international residential code for home construction (local inspectors only). Anyone could build a house based upon reputation or affordability. The new code put many out of business in favor of large home builder organizations, and guess what? Prices went up! The first argument was that the new homes were safer. I disagree. Most of the seventy year old slab homes are still standing and occupied. With the regulations of r values, handicap requirements, etc., the price has gone up exponentially. Choice was eliminated for those who could not afford to build. My point, sorry for rambling, is that freedom to choose was eliminated, causing harm to the country. Government is not your friend.
This is incorrect. Prints were taken from Oswald after his arrest, and also at the morgue after his death. They matched the Oswald arrested in New Orleans….one Oswald. Oswald acted alone, but at whose direction? That’s your conspiracy. All other misdirection is to throw folks off the truth.
I fact check that as TRUE. They want a democracy and have always tried to have the citizens believe we are one. But we are a republic…big difference. That black and white video from the sixties guy said it perfectly. I hope someone posts the video. Thanks
The military needs to run the election and the counting! Then let the pundits argue about the results.