I had demonic figures attack me in a dream. I was in a warehouse and they were chasing me between shelves. I picked up a 4' level that was on the shelf and tried to use that against them. No idea if that was significant but I remembered that detail. Then I just kept saying the name of Jesus and they left almost like they were melting.
Removal of sterilization
Yeah survived the trials afterwards, maybe.
With the news this weekend could just be he had his timeline wrong.
Kim Clement "He will not be a religious president but he will be a praying president."
This was my first though. Lot's of those in the tech business were also directly or indirectly giving money to China illegally.
Remember 1 million national guard were activated with the COVID national emergency by the CIC PDJT. The national emergency was just extended under Biden for the Russian threat. We have been under a national emergency for 3 years, national guard has been active for 3 years, national emergency just got extended
I saw 2 nat guard convoys on route 23 in MI this week.
Has to be everything.
Still no bills printed with a date after 2017.
BBBY probably will too
Wow so 911 and Pearl harbor were both staged?
I'd like to offer this kid the job as head of diversity and inclusion.
People will have a chance to move out of the liberal hell holes and leave those cities with nothing.
This was the narrative 5 years ago. Peperidge farm remembers
All you have to do is proclaim God freeing you. What you said in your post was the message you are here to share whether it's on a forum or to a community face to face.
Bought some in January and they took 3 weeks to arrive
Is it possible that both the Republic and the corporation are both functioning on some level at the same time? Biden did steal the election but ended up as the president over the corporation that has little to no control hence the Ukrainian washing machine.
At the same time Trump was placed as CIC of the Republic.
The image of the beast is given power. Sounds a lot like a hologram. People will believe this person is a real person. They won't be.
Sadly there are a Ukrainian people that have endured years of abuse from the Ukrainian government. "Solidarity for Ukraine" isn't supporting the people it's solidarity with the Ukrainian oligarchs.
Satan will do use centralized tech for MOTB. He is not all knowing and ever present so he will need the centralized control to implement what we know is coming.
"just because they are using actors doesn't mean it's fake"
Wow Bolivia actually produced this as COVID prevention
So Americans