Funny, here in Oklahoma we have fake weather to go along with fake news. Any thunderstorm immediately triggers tornado chatter and panic on TV. Same with snow potential. The cities are always painted with the worst color, every single time. They sell commercials.
I agree with most of that, but I have to ask what you mean by viruses aren't contagious...viruses in general or this supposed virus? I agree I have been exposed heavily to "infected" people and didn't catch it, but ebola and the common cold are contagious. Just wondering if I misunderstood.
Currently 6 conservative, 3 liberal justices. Adding 4 justices is their goal...making 6 conservative and 7 liberal...that does sound like they are going for majority, or President Trump's 3 picks plus one more, just to undo his picks. Totally obvious.
There is all kinds of bacteria in my gut that I carry, but I am asymptomatic. Specifically the appendix. Do I have to remove my appendix? Not until it causes more harm than good. Leave alone things that harbour and don't spread their germs.
Not for the virus, but for vaccine side effects! Knuckleheads. All of them.