by BQnita
ImWaterjug 3 points ago +3 / -0

Wanted to say thank you for this post. I think I saw something about this sometime ago, but I forgot about it. Keep it up!

by BQnita
ImWaterjug 4 points ago +4 / -0

Action COULD have taken place after J6. Let’s be real though, Civil War WOULD have ensued if Trump took action. All roads lead to letting the American people SEE for themselves what WILL occur if we keep a BLIND eye.

This is a war and has been ongoing for a LONG time. If you can’t understand that you have been duped. (Not saying directly to you, just to people in general.)

ImWaterjug 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thanks for posting, completely forgot this was coming out!

ImWaterjug 6 points ago +6 / -0

Under Trump, Elon was awarded the most amount of money compared to any other person/company by the DOD. He used all of the contracts for SpaceX and the Starlink. He was given access to our space technology and data. Would Trump allow someone in the deepstate to get all of that? Anytime they have “fought” each other has only been theatre like Trump and DeSantis.

Not saying he isnt deepstate cause I dont truly know that, plus his mother and ex-girlfriend were creepy so I do get where it comes from.

ImWaterjug 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not all have been inaugurated on 1/20, only started happening recently within the United States.

4/30/1789 : George Washington

3/4/1797 : John Adams

3/4/1801 : Thomas Jefferson

3/4/1809 : James Madison

3/4/1817 : James Monroe

3/4/1825 : John Quincy Adams

3/4/1829 : Andrew Jackson

3/4/1837 : Martin Van Buren

3/4/1841 : William Henry Harrison

4/4/1841 : John Tyler

3/4/1845 : James K. Polk

3/4/1849 : Zachary Taylor

7/9/1850 : Millard Fillmore

3/4/1853 : Franklin Pierce

3/4/1857 : James Buchanan

3/4/1861 : Abraham Lincoln

4/15/1865 : Andrew Johnson

3/4/1869 : Ulysses S. Grant

3/4/1877 : Rutherford B. Hayes

3/4/1881 : James A. Garfield

9/19/1881 : Chester A. Arthur

3/4/1885 : Grover Cleveland

3/4/1889 : Benjamin Harrison

3/4/1893 : Grover Cleveland

3/4/1897 : William McKinley

9/14/1901 : Theodore Roosevelt

3/4/1909 : William Howard Taft

3/4/1913 : Woodrow Wilson

3/4/1921 : Warren G. Harding

8/2/1923 : Calvin Coolidge

3/4/1929 : Herbert Hoover

3/4/1933 : Franklin D. Roosevelt

4/12/1945 : Harry S. Truman

1/20/1953 : Dwight D. Eisenhower

1/20/1961 : John F. Kennedy

11/22/1963 : Lyndon B. Johnson

1/20/1969 : Richard Nixon

8/9/1974 : Gerald Ford

1/20/1977 : Jimmy Carter

1/20/1981 : Ronald Regan

1/20/1989 : George H. W. Bush

1/20/1993 : Bill Clinton

1/20/2001 : George W. Bush

1/20/2009 : Barack Obama

1/20/2017 : Donald J. Trump

1/20/2021 : Joe Biden

ImWaterjug 1 point ago +1 / -0

From the man himself Yuval Noah Harari saying it might be the last presidential election.

A few days ago, during a televised discussion about “election deniers” and how many of them are running in the midterm elections, Yuval Noah Harari, Israeli professor and author of the book “Sapiens: A Brief History of Man” , shuddered and said in a serious tone that American democracy is now so problematic that “the next presidential election could be the last democratic election in the history of the United States.”

ImWaterjug 4 points ago +4 / -0

This account is 100% NOT Trumps. Language, grammar, abbreviations, and etc. do not match up with how Trump talks/writes text.

ImWaterjug 5 points ago +5 / -0

Am Gen-Z myself, can confirm that Gen-Z does not care about politics. I have multiple friends my age that are not even registered to vote. Gen-Z is definitely not the reason for there “not being a red wave”. The red wave did come, people are failing to understand this still. Over 200 of Trump’s endorsed candidates won while maintaining minimal losses.

ImWaterjug 2 points ago +3 / -1

Nope, Trump did not post anything about Veterans day, I was curious all day waiting to see if he would post something relating to it. Surprised he did not.

ImWaterjug 10 points ago +10 / -0

Nobody here wants to fight their neighbors. It is the goal of the Cabal to get us into Civil War. Peace and Unity over division my friend

ImWaterjug 2 points ago +2 / -0

Definitely a must watch Patriot Games Episode from Gregg Phillips. This is what a 40,000ft view looks like on digital information.

ImWaterjug 6 points ago +6 / -0

Honestly surprised at the amount of females on here. Usually able to tell wether or not what gender someone is based on responses.

ImWaterjug 2 points ago +2 / -0

If there is a wifi connection available at your polling place assume your vote is stolen. Go there the next day and see if one is available as well. If there isn’t, you and everyone else that voted was screwed.

ImWaterjug 2 points ago +2 / -0

How did they figure out @delete_shitcoin is Nikolai Muchgian’s account? Any other info OP?

ImWaterjug 3 points ago +4 / -1

Not sure when I started listening to Juan. Maybe the beginning of this year. I’ve always understood he is not part of the 4am meeting and etc. with Trump. It does seem he has a political affiliation that is high up in the ranks with well known politicians. Never have sat their and said “This guy is apart of Q!! He works with Trump!!!”. He just doesn’t provide stuff like that.

I do enjoy his symbology talk and when he speaks upon the bible and the cabals religion. Probably has to be the more interesting to me at least.

ImWaterjug 2 points ago +2 / -0

Putin told his girlfriend to get an abortion. Not a fan of Putin, he is only protecting his country and their goals for the future. IMO he is not a white hat

ImWaterjug 1 point ago +1 / -0

I thought I read that the Russians HANDED over the ISS to the first Euro female commander

ImWaterjug 43 points ago +43 / -0

We are at the point where if you can’t see the obvious then you are lost forever.

ImWaterjug 5 points ago +5 / -0

I attended a Trump rally in 2016 in Ohio, was in the front row and everything. Crowd size was about 20-25k. This year I couldn’t even get in. Waited so long in a line of cars just trying to park for 2 hours. Was 3 miles away still and there were only 2 entrances. Rally was outside and jam packed full. 55+k attended.

ImWaterjug 2 points ago +2 / -0

Agreed here. Signal is okay but not GREAT. There are still flaws, you definitely need to turn on the auto message deletion. That's the way of screwing yourself over. Best to set it at 3 days.

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