IndyRose 1 point ago +1 / -0

I see nothing wrong with the nurse giving his/her family the horse paste. The pt’s family could have tried to score some in the tube as well. And if the hospital pharmacy can’t get the ivermectin anyway how is it that u blame the nurse? You do know that some physicians are telling the families to try to get their hands on ivermectin and get it their loved one?

IndyRose 1 point ago +1 / -0

It will be hard to rig a game against Burrow other than blatantly bad referee calls!

IndyRose 4 points ago +4 / -0

Good point . . . Go Tigers! Oops. I meant Bengals!

IndyRose 1 point ago +1 / -0

Most of us hate California I dare say, but we empathize with the good folks caught up In the mess. So hell yes move it away from CA. Even LV would be better. . . So many ppl still love college football and some still follow the few kids that move on to the pros. The folks at home don’t care about the fans attending or the half time show. They want to watch some football. So just get the “essentials” to the stadium. And if a convoy can steer the game to the Louisiana SuperDome there’d be a lotta happy Joe Burrow fans that will join that convoy! And that’s spelled “Burreaux” for those who live below the I-10.

Seriously though, I don’t have time to search the internet or read everything on here. So what can we do to support our truckers? I wish someone would start a post with guidance.

IndyRose 1 point ago +1 / -0

Some say it was a missile that hit the pentagon but never heard about AF1. I do remember the “accidental warning activation” of incoming in Hawaii some years back. And wish I had time and the knowledge of how to to research that b/c I’ve read bits and pieces that there indeed was some happening there.

IndyRose 7 points ago +7 / -0

The hairbands had eyeliner and pierced ears and all the groupies. Just saying . . . Bulk up if u are thin. I’ve watched my youngest son who has a genetic crippling disease build muscle over the last year. If he can do it u can too. But do move on. There is no gain in living in the past. Someone will love u for who u are. But u have to start with yourself. Realize u are not to blame. Hand it over to God and get on with your life. We have too much other we must fight against than to fight a past which we cannot change.

IndyRose 1 point ago +1 / -0

When I first started working 25+ yrs ago there was a large group of Canadian nurses that were given contracts to work here in LA. Still have a few that made this their home. I would dare say that if she is willing to relocate to the states then she should have no problem. There are recruiters who can help facilitate legal docs and licensures I’m sure. The US is all the time bringing in nurses from the Philippines.

IndyRose 2 points ago +2 / -0

Chemtrails. Gotta be. But a category 4 hurricane evidently can wipe it out. Covid came to a dead stop after Hurricane Laura. Lord knows people from all over the country came in to work and they did so w/o masks.

IndyRose 2 points ago +2 / -0

WTH. I’ve never heard that JFK Jr. was to DH. But my point was how is it conceivable that one date the likes of JFK Jr. yet marry this ugly SOB. Just saying.

IndyRose 5 points ago +5 / -0

What’s the hurry? Surely someone at the Pentagon or Mitch McConnell has already sold us out? Isn’t Mitch’s wife a Taiwanese millionaire?

IndyRose 2 points ago +2 / -0

Take a weekend off out of town. Do something to make himself winded. Go to a civilian ER with SOB and chest pain. Chest pain pts are priority. A chest X-ray should be part of the work up. But throw in some left arm/jaw pain or numbness for the added impression of heart attack. Should get a cardiac and somewhat of a pulmonary work up. This could extend his deadline—possibly. Be sure to include his pulmonary damage d/t the denguefever. Be prepared to spend the nite. Take advantage and let the chips fall as they will. Very often we have to tell patients to leave our rural area and travel to the city and go straight to the ER even when we have a diagnosis especially when pts are uninsured and their need is a specialty unavailable in the local area.

IndyRose 3 points ago +3 / -0

Dude that’s Burreaux round these parts! His linemen certainly need to do a better job of protecting him! He’s too damn valuable to be taking the number of sacks that he has been.

IndyRose 3 points ago +3 / -0

I didn’t read the post thoroughly last nite. So… I think the online MD was warning u that antibiotics specifically the broad spectrum quinolone Cipro increases your risk of Cdiff. I am very curious as to what abt u took for your tooth problem. If u took Cleocin or Clindamycin (usually given when pt is allergic to penicillin) and are now taking Cipro your risks have increased exponentially. And severe cdiff would require hospitalization and IV abts—prob Vanc & Flagyl. As for the MD advising u to seek treatment and IV abt therapy if condition doesn’t improve/worsens, that is for the “safety of the pt” and CYA for the MD. Because if true bladder infection and organism isnt covered by prescribed abt or is Cipro-resistant, the infection can, for ex, spread to the kidneys causing pyelonephritis and acute kidney injury followed by worse case scenario of sepsis. Hope that helps. As for all of these infusions. Idk if they are necessary when the apple flavored horse paste has been all many have taken and recovered quickly.

IndyRose 3 points ago +3 / -0

Better throw Levaquin in there too! It’s in the same abt family. But seems like we didn’t hear about the tendon problems w/ Cipro until Levaquin was handed out like candy.

IndyRose 2 points ago +2 / -0

You were on the right track with your thinking that you could end up with C Diff. Depending on what you just finished taking for your tooth and the fluoroquinolones (Cipro)—maybe not so much the Doxy—you are setting yourself up for a big change in your normal gut flora. And u understand the rest of that story. I see no reason to take both antibiotics at one time. Cipro is also a good respiratory abt. It can be hard on your kidneys tho so drink lots of water to keep them working.

IndyRose 2 points ago +2 / -0

They do it all the time. Unfortunately, they legally have the power to do so which is why our doctors say do not use Walgreens. And sometimes Walmart depending on which town. But bet the ivermectin policy is in fact a Walmart practice. And yes I too have heard they are largely owned by China. When my ex worked at the paper mill yrs ago I recall a Chinese company had come in and bought out or bought part of the well known company. And it’s names since have never implied Chinese ownership!

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