That’s how they do it in Japan. Learn Japanese or you’re screwed.
Beautiful, can we see the arrests live please?
I still remember when I first started seeing drug ads on tv. I was like “what is this shit?”
Yeah, they make good stuff
Yeah, that’s the reason I haven’t gotten rid of my whirlpool washer/ dryer that was made in 1990…no matter how much my wife complains. 😂
Regardless, contrails have never produced a grid pattern in the sky that develops into hazy cloud cover. WHY are these planes not trackable??? That’s the huge smoking gun. Who doesn’t want their flights tracked?-origin and destination. Where is the lab tested harmful nano metals coming from covering everything if not from the sky? Multiple sources of testing all show the same metals in different countries.
Fantastic? There was nothing inspiring in that and most of it quite worrying.
One good piece of info
Seriously, the right frequency tones can literally break cancer apart.
Sooo, leading us into Skynet huh? Not happy to hear about him backing more advanced ai. I would rather him say we’re outlawing ai. I know that’s a fantasy, but still. The technocratic age of ai is extremely dangerous. And so much for healing beds. How about revealing the real causes of cancer, its parasitic nature, and the cheap cures that already exist. I don’t like any of what I’m hearing so far. Screw any and all of your vaccines. They’re building the antichrist
I don’t need to verify with FAA. You can verify any commercial jet flying around WITHOUT contrails/chemtrails. Then as soon as you see one spewing, it’s not on the tracker. I do this often and compare with regular air traffic I can verify. I have plenty of commercial, normal flights going over me so I can easily verify this. I have even documented when a stream of 4 or more jets are all flying in the same direction, but spread out to the sides by a thousand feet or so. NONE of them show squawk. Just try it and get back to me. I haven’t had one yet that shows on my tracker when I see them spewing crap.
There is no bait and switch. I’m simply saying the evidence points to the majority of what’s in the sky as chemtrails, not the rare persistent contrail in which atmospheric conditions have to be perfect. Why are the jets not trackable? I’ll say that again- WHY ARE THE JETS NOT TRACKABLE? That’s huge there. Why are there witnesses on this thread that say they haven’t seen these trails in awhile and suddenly they appear en masse again? Why are there witnesses that have documented in their areas a daily occurrence they can set their watches too? They start at almost the exact same time in the morning and end at almost the exact same time in the afternoon, like clockwork. Why were there tons of these trails over the area where the California fires are now and while the fires burn, they are no longer there? Why are there tons of whistleblower pilots who are revealing these programs? Small scale? Documents point to not only an expansive program, but that it has multiplied greatly in the past ten years or so.
What’s up mods, is this too controversial? This thread was right below the stickies at about 150 updoots. Now it’s not even visible on the same page with others that have 30 updoots or less. Did you make it invisible to new viewers? 🤔😑
Like I said, I’m done trying to convince. Either look at the mountains of evidence or don’t.
There’s a legal way to do it you dumb bitch.
I’m not talking about after they have already flown through. I’m saying when you look up and see a jet putting it down, look on your flight tracker. It won’t be there. Any normal flight of any type of aircraft, including most military has all the available information I just talked about. It will also show a line showing exactly where it came from and its flight path to its current position. They don’t want the public knowing where they came from or where they land. That’s why they fly without squawk.
Ugh, that sucks.
Probably, I’m done trying to convince anyone. Either you look at the mountain of evidence and believe your own eyes or you don’t.
Apparently a proud boy was just released
But you won’t look at any traceable evidence. You won’t read about pilot whistleblowers because they counter your bias and the pilots you’ve listened to here. There’s literally mountains of evidence showing the deep state’s agenda for depopulation in leaked WEF documents, WHO documents, Bildeberger documents, Trilateral commission papers. I only have a bias on this because of what I’ve already researched over the past 15 years or more. It’s astonishing that so many here can’t get that the technology is there and the intent is there. The technology is not like building an alien spacecraft, it’s pretty straight forward and they have been building on that tech for about 70 years now.
Do away with them and the firearms act of 1934, along with about 20,000 other unconstitutional firearms laws.