InfiniteWin 3 points ago +3 / -0

I specifically remember the camera would pan from left to right to show all the candidates, but as soon as Ron Paul's pinky finger entered the frame, they would cut to a different camera that would start at the last person and pan from right to left, again cutting to a different shot as soon as Ron Paul's pinky entered the frame. They gave the unaware audience the belief that every candidate was being shown while actually erasing one of the most popular ones.

InfiniteWin 3 points ago +3 / -0

This isn't the demographic that is destroying America (well, I can spot one or two in the pic that are, the rest aren't). There will always be a percent of the population that is easy to brainwash and manipulate. Useful idiots. What group is using these ladies and others to do their will?

InfiniteWin 10 points ago +10 / -0

Traditions and vain fashion trends of man mean nothing to God. Mary was impregnated while unmarried, disgraceful. Jesus was born in a dirty filthy animal shed, disgraceful. The witnesses to his birth that spread the news were poor shepherds, not kings, disgraceful. He was raised in the backwoods dirt poor town of Nazareth, basically the sticks, "What good can come from Nazareth?", disgraceful. The man that God sent to prepare the people for Jesus' arrival, to make straight his path, was a dirt poor wildman preacher from an outcast sect who wore the equivalent of rags, ate bugs, and had long hair, disgraceful. That same man was arrested as a criminal and beheaded at the pleasure of elite women as a party favor, disgraceful. During his ministry, with few exceptions, Jesus walked everywhere, no horse, no cart, just dirt worn down sandals, disgraceful. His clothes were not trendy or fancy like the established religious men, he wore one single plain looking outfit his whole ministry, disgraceful. He owned no home, he always depended on charity like a vagabond, birds have nests and foxes have dens, but Jesus had no place to rest his head, disgraceful. He was always at odds with the men whom society held in esteem. He was driven out of towns, betrayed by one of his inner circle, arrested, tortured, slandered and finally given the death sentence of a common criminal. All very disgraceful, if you care about such things.

By the way, the Nazarite vow, established by God, included many self sacrificial actions as a way of offering up worship to God, one of which to not cut your hair. Most people who took the vow only did so for a few months at most, but some did it for much longer or even their whole lives, like Sampson, thus his long hair.

God doesn't care about fashionable tends.

InfiniteWin 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think he meant "why are we assuming the phrase 'my fellow Americans, the storm is upon us' will be TYPED out on his Twitter account, as opposed to spoken out loud on Twitter. "

I think

InfiniteWin 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sigh... Synagogues were (are) the local places to go for weekly religious ritual for the average Jew. There were many synagogues. The TEMPLE was the One central place in Jerusalem where the Holy of Holy, the Ark of the Covenant, and the Sacrificial Alter was. Jesus, our savior, was at the Temple when he flipped over the tables of the money changers and whipped them out of his Father's house.

InfiniteWin 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think he wanted to walk out on his own, not be carried and not leave behind a photo op of his shoes disheveled on stage.

It's possible "let me get my shoes" is code for "let me walk on my own." Or it's possible one or both shoes slipped off. I haven't seen a good pic of video that shows his feet. Either way, he wanted to walk out on his own accord.

InfiniteWin 8 points ago +8 / -0

Watch the video where you can hear the SS talking, First they talk about "Hawkeye has arrived" moments after the tactical armed men show up on stage, then you hear one more shot and then they talk about "Shooter is down", then they get him to his feet and he says "Let me get my shoes".

I admit, I'm assuming "Hawkeye" is the team of tactically dressed & armed men.

InfiniteWin 8 points ago +8 / -0

Don't talk about it, be about it.

InfiniteWin 6 points ago +6 / -0

Just replace it with the truth: 🤡🌎 = 👹🌎

InfiniteWin 1 point ago +1 / -0

Funny but inaccurate

InfiniteWin 3 points ago +3 / -0

Interesting. But if money is mostly digital ones and zeros, can't they pull off the same inflationary shenanigans without actually printing new bills?

InfiniteWin 3 points ago +3 / -0

Reminds me of the opening scene of Tenet

InfiniteWin 3 points ago +3 / -0

Looking at that image of JayZ and the witch, I instantly thought demonic possession was involved. Edit: sorry, that image is from a different post, but it's all the same club. Demon possession is a big part of the culture of the elites IMHO.

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