Oops we "accidentally" deported her... We will rectify it just as quickly as the J6ers were released...
The clintonpillar?
Silly me... They are free. Are they on probation?
90% for the big guy?
I don't want to see that drivel!!
Where is the Nashville Manifesto?
And by the way, the Epstein client list?
"Trust Wray" to run when the shit hits the fan.
Lost in a great lakes boating accident.
The shiteating grins on Clifford and his little staff poof say it all. Better put that blue shirt under a UV light to get the real story.
The training records haven't been shredded yet.
Is DoGE the Kraken?
Or is it Kash?
The fact that there is something to go public about....
Will not miss pull their heads from the hole that they have stuffed it in?
Wtf is w/ the little mickey head just to the left of his tail?
Perhaps so it does not cleave "Trump"
Defense is a cash machine. Those with their hands in the till are concerned about being cut off.
The FBI is another sort of crime syndicate...
Enough is never enough!
Call your Senator and Make it too big to Rig!!!
Pelosi still is...
The leaders of the bunch anyhow...
Professional Hit man = FBI?
Fear speaking...
N.Korea is (now) a belligerent in the Ukraine war. Were so liberals funneling money to Ukraine?
America has won with the November 5th Drawing.
How else were the Dems supposed to control the nomination process?
The only place in the world with greater banking secrecy than Switzerland....
Why was she there...