Itscrazytime 2 points ago +2 / -0

I understand that.. So you are obviously well versed with the Q posts so with that being said...can you help me try to explain the rest of this?

Itscrazytime -1 points ago +6 / -7

Also, just because I had the title worded incorrectly, does not change anything about what I said. What about the post as a whole? Any suggestions or answers?

Itscrazytime 5 points ago +6 / -1

Ahh thank you! Where the hell did we get "the first arrest will shock the world."

I've seen that shit over and over again. I could have absolutely sworn I even saw that shit in the Qposts. I've gone through most of them. I feel like the mandela effect is going on hard right now lol!

Itscrazytime -4 points ago +2 / -6

Okay so then by that logic how is arresting Trump part of "our" plan? How is this verifying action?

by BQnita
Itscrazytime 3 points ago +3 / -0

I just made a post about how an operation of this scale is supposed to take place. I genuinely want to know how a small group of what, 10 people, in the military is going to get the entire military to overthrow the government? I'm not trying to doom, don't ban me! I'm trying to figure this out!

by BQnita
Itscrazytime 4 points ago +4 / -0

Trump is literally saying to protest.

Itscrazytime 2 points ago +2 / -0

Alright "Mr. Enlightened" you saying you have "been to war the greater part of your life" tells me you are talking about a mental conflict within yourself and not in an actual warzone. So you have no idea about open conflict. You can sit and believe it is all fake but I can assure you, it is not fake.

Your idea of fake is because you think this life does not matter and it is just a short period, which is only partly correct. I'm a Christian and as a Christian we are taught to not fear death because this life is just a brief period of our existence and our true existence does not begin until the afterlife. With that being said, it is our duty to serve the Lord while we are here on this earth and to better the lives of others and to spread HIS word.

However, as a husband and father, war is never something to look forward to.

You say that I haven't done my homework. You need to realize that while this life may be temporary, we are still very much alive. We are not in some simulation or whatever it is you believe.

You are trying to sound significantly smarter then you are and you make it seem like you know way more then everyone because you have "ascended" as you put it.

Wars are all built on lies, that is correct. But wars are still fought and people still die. Families are still ripped apart. People still starve. Buildings and homes are still destroyed.

It is people like you that make others think anyone associated with Q is insane. You remind me of the scene in a movie when the main character figures out they are in a simulation and decides to hurt themselves or someone else only to realize they had already exited the simulation and end up killing someone. THAT is what your mindset it.

Itscrazytime 4 points ago +4 / -0

May I please ask you, Sir...have you ever been to war? Are you a currently serving or have you ever served in the military?

Nato is holding a meeting in preparation for declaring war. Whether you believe this is a movie or not, real lives will be lost. If it is another world war, we are talking about MILLIONS of lives lost.

Whether this is Armageddon or not does not matter. To say you are loving the fact that WW3 is on the brink is crazy.

Itscrazytime 5 points ago +6 / -1

Zelensky is a snake that is using us to get money for himself and Ukraine. Ukraine has a shitload of dirt on America cause we have been funneling money through them for years. The deep state put him in power and he is using that power to enrich himself.

Itscrazytime 2 points ago +2 / -0

Question, are you saying these never took place at all? Or that all of these took place but the way the occurred was a planned attack conducted by our government?

Because all of these things literally happened and there are many people on this site, specifically in these comments, that were at a lot of these locations or nearby them.

So there are 2 completely different arguments to this point. Either A) All of this shit was faked and no one died or was injured. Or B) All of these took place and were coordinated and conducted by our government and media to cause fear and panic.

Itscrazytime 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah...we will see man. Sheriffs are there now to make sure the steal happens. Their sheriff was put in by Soros. They aren't there to help us.

Itscrazytime 3 points ago +7 / -4

This is a good theory except we have to win the house and senate first. We did nothing to fix the election before and this is the exact same thing that happened in 2020.

Itscrazytime 10 points ago +10 / -0

Exactly. What if the election is stolen from Lake? Which is exactly what is looking like is going to happen. Then what?

Itscrazytime 3 points ago +3 / -0

The sad thing is is that the brainwashed continue to believe everything the media tells him. They genuinely believe that Russia is to blame for the high gas prices. That, and the Republicans.

Itscrazytime 4 points ago +4 / -0

Honestly, I think people are putting way to much emphasis on "white hats" and their capability at this point. The shortage wasn't to help us. It was to anger people and make them feel desperate and helpless.

Itscrazytime 9 points ago +9 / -0

Whats crazy is this is the photoshopped and highly edited "best" version!

Itscrazytime 2 points ago +2 / -0

While she is a total retard, I personally know 2 people that have scored a hole in 1 this way so yes, it definitely has happened.

She is an idiot though.

Itscrazytime 11 points ago +11 / -0

I’m in the same boat! It’s amazing. And a lot of the people at my work who are vaccinated got it twice and a lot of them regret getting the shot.

Itscrazytime 1 point ago +1 / -0

I can’t even create an account. It keeps trying to verify my email and then takes hours to send the verification email and once it does, it says there was an error.

by BQnita
Itscrazytime 1 point ago +3 / -2

Oh look, 2 more weeks yet again.

Itscrazytime 3 points ago +3 / -0

No…he literally did. They definition changed just a couple days before this hearing if I remember correctly. There were posts about the definition being changed then he came out and said this. It’s crazy.

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