Bronfman Sr. also got the presidential medal of freedom from slick willie.
Being installed into the presidency (whether being reinstated via overturning cheating or from being upgraded from VP) only counts against you if you are installed before the 2 and a half year mark. Example, let’s say Biden wins re-election and survives 2 and a half years before being replaced by Harris, she would be able to be elected to two more terms. (Nightmare situation)
The way I see it, there are really only 3 ways forward that fit the plan.
- Trump is reinstated pre-election and cleans house. RFK jr slides into the D candidate spot, Trump v RFK jr, Trump wins in a landslide, Trump continues to clean house and we see the America that we were always supposed to be.
- Precipice is some combination of economic crash, some sort of escalation with Russia (perhaps not actual WW3, but the normies will see no other outcome), border/illegal crisis, and political riots. Things are so ugly that the military steps in sometime in Oct, they run the election and the Dems can't cheat cause the military is in charge.
- Dems cheat so badly (flip house and senate as well as states like Texas and Florida, maybe even OK) like maybe even 50 state 80% of the vote, 100+ million. So badly that like you have to be a complete moron to not see the cheating. Military comes in and cleans house, Trump declared winner of 2020 and 2024, everything the Biden did is overturned, either we also see Obama exposed and his stuff overturned or that is kept in the dark and Trump works to overturn that stuff over the next 4 years.
Any slight variations on the above are also possible, but I'm not really seeing a situation where Biden wins "to wake up more normies" like enough stuff can happen between now and the election for the tipping point to be hit (if it already hasn't been)
Not that I’m surprised about P. Diddler, but I am surprised that we didn’t hear about Jay-z first.
“Puffy flavor camp” is not an event I ever needed to hear about. Whether the puffy applies to the whole weedhead puff daddy thing or some other perverse thing, either way, no thanks. Smoke your weed, whatever, but even if it is supposed to just be about weed, why the heck are we allowing 14 year olds around the dude?
Until today (after Trump’s last company stopped using DJT), DJT became the abbreviation for Dow Jones Transportation average, so Schwab’s app is drawing their price from that instead of formerly DWAC. Threw me for a loop for a second too.
That's a funny way to pronounce Democrats
You're welcome!
Same here. One could argue that the scanning machine could still be a vulnerability, much like one could argue that anyone handling things in the counting process could also be a vulnerability. My take is that the proper requirements have been put in place so that those vulnerabilities are minimized. Better to only have to protect the scanner than to have to protect several to a dozen or so machines.
I saw on the news the other day that he wants to be Republican Leader in the Senate after Mitch is gone. No thanks!
Anyone else get a paper ballot for the first time in a long time? Step in the right direction it seems.
DeSantis and Vivek technically just suspended their campaigns, so they’re supposed to stay on the ballot. Most likely the same case with the other two.
Unfortunately, we have yet to see a solid Primary challenge (more from a lack of getting their campaigns off the ground than being bad candidates) for Ted Cruz or John Cornyn. That said, it is refreshing to see somebody with this much political clout not backing Cruz.
I remember this showed up awhile back on this site. From what I recall, it is even worse than it looks. The scheme is that orgs like Actblue will get somebody to donate, save their donor information, and then start re-entering it dozens of times during the next election cycle. They purposely target older people who aren’t familiar with technology.
Now, the particular person that is being used as an example above does appear to be slightly different than what was exposed a year or so ago. The ones I remember kept the donations below 10-15 dollars so the donor wouldn’t catch on as easily. The $$$ amounts in the above example look to be what they’re doing along with the recurring donations by unsuspecting victims.
The case sets a terrifying precedent. What’s next? “You overvalued your business, only businesses with at least 50% penised birthing people can be worth that much!. 300 million dollar fine!”
This won’t have the impact they think it will. The vast majority of her fan base is already voting Biden.
This certainly seems like the string that will show the normies how the swamp permeates out from government to law firms. I’ve been noticing the pattern lately. The Q team looks to have set up individual stories connecting swamp to Hollywood, media, financial institutions, law firms, etc. Each time a new string is brought to light connecting to swamp to another sector of our country, the web expands and strengthens. We’ve been aware of the depth of the corruption for quite some time, but it really does feel like we’ve been going from drips to flood gates with this information hitting the public.
I don’t disagree with you, but the fact of the matter remains that we’ve had at least 2 court cases in the history of the US that have incorrectly ruled that natural born citizen equals being born on US soil regardless of parent’s citizenship status. Which means that a higher court would have to overturn said rulings in order for the incorrectly applied interpretation of the constitution to be overruled.
In other words, for any of these people to be ruled ineligible for the office of President or Vice President, the Supreme Court would need to make a ruling. Alternatively, there could also be an amendment to the constitution, but the likelihood of that happening in our current climate incredibly slim.
One could argue that neither of the two court cases dealing with natural born citizenship were talking about presidential eligibility, but I believe you’d be hard pressed to find a court that wild accept that pretense due to our courts being infiltrated by Soros swamp monsters.
If we were dealing with legitimate politicians, judges, officers, etc, all of this would simply be a case of intellectual sparring, in which we would have the upper hand. Unfortunately, the government has been compromised and invaded by all manner of grifters, swamp creatures, enemies, perverts, etc. Thank God we’ve got Trump and Q to fight the good fight so that we can eventually easily overturn all this madness with simple logic and sound arguments.
Unfortunately(unless Trump/Q/somebody has reset our laws prior to the next election) born on American soil equals automatic citizenship.
“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”
That having been said, there are some arguments to the phrasing “natural-born citizen.” Unfortunately, years of court cases have decided in favor of anyone born on US soil (or abroad even one or more parents are citizens and either traveling or stationed abroad due to governmental assignment) are, in fact, natural born citizens. It would take the Supreme Court to overturn this precedent.
Whether you agree with it or not (I personally do not agree,) that is the current situation that we face.
TLDR: the courts have (wrongfully so) decided for us that being born on US soil is all it takes to be a natural born citizen and the Supreme Court ruling, an amendment to the Constitution, or a rolling back of our countries laws to an earlier date are our three only real options for changing that.
The losers will never actually willingly leave. Despite their lies and attacks about how horrible America is, they know America is still the best country on the planet! The swamp tried their best, the woke horde vomited all over the country, the basement dwelling ahktuallys seethed on every website, one alphabet mafia censored, spied, and espionaged to their hearts content, the other alphabet mafia tried to corrupt the youth of the nation, the predators tried to ply their trade, yet here we stand with the MAGA movement in full-steam, the patriots are holding back the tide, anons are waking up the citizenry, and the Q team is setting off boom after boom. Trump has said it many times, my friends: the best is yet to come!
Given that the 49ers and the Ravens are the 1 seeds, this could just be a case of autofill or putting the 1s as placeholders and somebody published too soon. We’ll find out soon enough though. Definitely an intriguing one.
Theory: white hats baiting the media into drawing attention to Trump’s hands so that we can draw attention to Podesta (and others) ritual hand slicing.
If you break down what she says, they’re basically admitting that it is hard for them to realize how many of us are awake
From what I gather(all anecdotal to be fair), hotels and hospitals are both being used to house “migrants” as the left and the Biden admin is calling them. Which we all know is code for illegals.
As long as they check boxes A, C, and D, plus the resolve to weather the storm, the rest can be learned and earned. Would I rather they check as many boxes as possible, sure, but I don't think we need much more than A, C and D, given that anyone who possesses those qualities can quickly be brought up to speed by Trump on B and then E and F will fall into place.