I don't know about the UK, but Bank of America asked me a series of questions about why I was withdrawing $3K last Fall. They even suugested i come to the bank on 5 consecutive days and withdraw the $600 limit, because " thats the same thing". What?! Finally a bank manager came to the window to approve it. Then they gave me a bunch of handouts about not getting scammed. Oddly, they weren't on the list haha.
Pretty small amount for such drama imo.
I had a similar experience. 4 kids, we lived real simple, but even then it was a struggle on just my dad's income. Then by the late 70s it was gonna be pretty impossible, so my mom went back to work. In today's dollars my parents combined income increased to 70k more or less with mom now working. I would think the minimum for raising 4 kids now.
I think the explosion of advertising conning people to buy overpriced crap they didnt need and the feds killing the dollar, destroyed the American dream for the working class. Not many are willing to go without all the material crap, and with the necessities soo expensive it's hard to imagine a working class nuclear family surviving on just one income. Now if you are willing to not get married and work the system you might be okay. This is the choices our evil government has left far too many.
If you are making $150k like damn near everyone seems to imply , sure you can probably have the one working spouse model. Just don't assume that that's the norm, in fact that places you above 97 percent of the population. $60 k is closer to reality for most Americans. If you can make that work for a family of 6 you are doing pretty awesome and I have to assume you are living a fairly modest lifestyle or your ego is forgetting you are living in the home your parents left you mortgage free. Either way it's tough sledding for working class families.
OK, let's think about this. The average salary is say $60k, honestly it's probably less but I'll go high. Let's call it $5k monthly take home. Can you raise a family of six / 4 kids on $5k a month?
Hmmm, I think that's gonna depend upon what your requirements are. I'd say you have to ignore the current concept of what is necessary. And there is the dilemma, because I'd say you would have to live far below what modern expectations are. Nothing wrong with that but you have to live like its the 70s in a world that thinks annual vacations and $200 pairs of sneakers is normal.
I'm not sure it was any grand conspiracy to take down the family. I think it was in part just consumerism and the feds destroying the dollar. Advertising exploded in the 60s and people were conned into believing they needed all kinds of things, plus vacations plus eating out and tons of clothing. This was all foreign to us growing up, surviving for a large part of my childhood on just my dad's salary. The 6 of us lived in a 2 bedroom/ 1 bath. We had little clothing, no gadgets, never went out to eat , much less vacations. But that was the norm in our neighborhood and without the crazy marketing 24/7 we thought everyone lived this way and we were content. The shows on TV promoted simple lifestyles not crazy over the top ones.
Then the onslaught of consumerism began. We all were suppose to go on Disney vacations, every child has their own room, enormous wardrobes of name brand overpriced crap and constant eating out. It got out of hand pretty damn quickly. So you gotta decide what's truly important I guess. Maybe you can have a big family but not with modern expectations of what's necessary. My niece has every material thing under the sun and has traveled the world. You know what she doesn't have? A stay at home mom or siblings. That's often the trade off.
He should have known exactly who and what the Kardashians are before he got involved. Come on now, hardly a genius.
He surely knows that they both have a say in how these kids are raised. He will have his say but must concede he choose this so the K Mob will also have their say. That's the way it goes, and based upon his latest antics I'm not so sure he has the moral high ground.
He's not mad, he just catching heat from some of the loonies on the left so he does a little fake hissy fit on the preferred network of commies to try to calm them down.
See guys I'm mad too, I'm super serious I even called them bastards. God after all these years you would think he'd be a better actor.
I shared a bedroom with my 3 brothers until we moved when I was in 5th grade. Still not a big deal.
So wth, is this a podcast where Michelle whines about her poor black childhood and how awful it was to be gifted a full ride to Princeton where to her shock and dismay it wasn't full of people " that looked like her". She's insufferable.
Tapper is still trying to get to the bottom of " the media's " cover up of Bidens dementia, we can't expect him to get his head around the fact that we spend 7 trillion dollars to have failed infrastructure, failed education and failed cities.
His next book will expose shocking revelations that government spending is full of waste, fraud and abuse.
The place is 90 percent crap. I go over to see articles we may miss here. But it's almost entirely dominated by losers whining about their lives and rotating through the same tired list of who is to blame for them not being able to navigate through life.
Theyre Bernie Bros, but not as charming or logical. Depressing place.
There are many organizations that will organize a protest for you. DEMAND PROTEST does this work. You can look up their website. They pay protestors but have the audacity to advertise that they are organizing your " grassroots" protest. More like fake grass.
They will provide the protest gear....t shirts, signs, gasoline lol. They transport you to the protest, provide meals, and pay $20 bucks an hour. They even provide bonuses for " performance above and beyond "
I know there were ads on Craigslist years ago for paid protestors. Kinda an open secret that many of these nuts are getting paid
There is no argument, those who want males competing against females in female sports simply don't care about safety or competitive disadvantage so none of these arguments matter.
They simply want to believe that feeling like a different gender makes it so. Why ? Your guess is as good as mine.
When you realize that, you realize there is no point talking to them it's a flat out waste of time. I don't try to debate this anymore, I just assume you lack any sense and get as far away as I can.
Of course he's pro teaching illegals, he's getting paid by citizens.
What a lame attempt at virtue signalling