This coder vs accountant debate is the latest talking point from the left. They assert that only a forensic accountant can do a proper audit and the only reason they brought coders in was to install back doors to be able in infiltrate the system at will.
Thank you so much for that detailed response.
I found it interesting that when Trump mentions defunding DOE he always mentions the school systems in Iowa , Idaho and New Hampshire as systems that will thrive out from under DOE. It seems like he knows the conservative states are gonna fair much better and the liberal states are gonna f it up regardless.
I know this is probably not politically correct but my cousin has two autistic kids in California who are allocated a ton of resources. It honestly feels like a scam. For example the girl is now attending college for free with a full time aide. She can't make change and is probably at best reading and writing at a fourth grade level. I can't see her ever living independently or having a job of any substance. Wouldn't resources be better used to teach basic skills and trying to learn a suitable skill? This feels like alot of nonsense to make some kind of political point and hey, money for the college and aide. Meanwhile I know in my hometown they eliminated the gifted and talented classes because there was only white and Asian kids attending. Even when the superintendent told them that they welcomed any black or Hispanic kids that wanted to be part of the program, regardless of merit, they still ended the program. What is this madness?
True enough but what can change that, I'm all ears? Maybe if they have to allocate more money to defense they'll have less to bring in and support more immigrants? Maybe the USA pulling out of NATO will be a net positive. I wish I had better answers.
There was a pretty good documentary about the cottage industry that is serving the homeless community in San Francisco
It really exposed the number of advocates and administrators making big money addressing the homeless situation. These people were making tremendous salaries. And it wasn't just them, everyone had a hand the pot, from the food vendors, temporary shelters, people supposedly providing medical and mental health services ect, graft everywhere.
It was on youtube. Really not a problem you'd want to solve if you were making the money these people did.
Live in a historically black neighborhood like I did for 14 years and get back to me. Call it whatever the heck you want, but I never ever want to repeat that experience
Everywhere my grandparents or parents lived that were formally safe white neighborhoods have all changed for the worse when the demographics changed. Every single place. Call me anything you want, put i sure as heck know how to recognize patterns
The most liberal people I know are obsessed with racism. They preach the virtues of diversity but not a one of them live in a diverse neighborhood. Why is that? Because for all their bullshit, they recognize patterns too,
Screw it, Europe wants to be an Islamic Calaphate. Form an alliance with Russia and China. Mutually agree to rein in military spending and move forward with mutually beneficial trade agreements. Europe is shitting all over the land of our ancestors while trying to lauch us into ww3.
Seems more sensible than trying to drag the centuries old European ruling classes, who would doom their own countrymen to hold on to wealth and influence, into the future. They'll have our kids fighting Islam in Europe and the Middle East while dragging us for not being WEF globalists.
I think you'd be surprised how many are rearing to go Amish so to speak. Even city people who lived in urban America their whole lives. There is a point where people will make difficult leaps into the unknown because what they see in front of them has become so repugnant.
I think Rural Revitalization is possible. I've lived in enough urban areas to become completely pessimistic that they can be saved. My future will not be urban, or suburban for that matter.
There is life outside the panopticon.
My brother worked at the VA and got vaccine injured. The VA doctors even told him it was from the vaxx. Kind of hard to side step it, his symptoms were immediate upon administration of the shot. The injuries would render him unable to work for months at a time.
Even with that admission, the VA doctors, his co workers essentially, would not give him a waiver for the boosters. How insane it's that?
I think there is gonna be a fair amount of break away societies. Rural Revitalization indeed.
When Deagle was questioned about the population collapse in the USA, which was kind of odd since almost no where else showed this population collapse, they responded that it was due entirely to an economic collapse. Take that for what it's worth. They further claimed that as younger more skilled workers left for greener pastures, the elderly would be left in dire straights as healthcare systems collapsed. It sounded apocalyptic with a 60 percent decrease in the population .
This woman has been trying to expose this bs for decades. She was part of a documentary that showed the overnight flights ( using private freight carriers ) of illegals from Africa and the Middle East to awaiting busses. They were taken to shelters owned by religious organizations who got 10k a head. Night after night the planes came in under Obama and Bush.
The shelters signed them up for entitlements and got them any paperwork they needed. The Somalians were tested for mental deficiency and put on permanent disability. Many ended up in Minneapolis, but also other areas with a strong tax base and generous safety nets. Places were identified where their entry would get little push back and indeed silly white people in Minneapolis welcomed them ( they did the whole sign thing with immigrants welcome here blah blah blah.) They enjoyed the safety and tranquility of a overwhelmingly white city so they were clueless to the danger they were about to let in. I would love to see their reaction two plus decades in.
Minneapolis used to have some of the highest test scores in the country. Decades later it's really plummeted. Hysterical to see the educators twist in knots trying to explain this dramatic change, such cucked idiots they dare not mention the retarded elephant in the classroom.
Theyve been subjected to all this insane propaganda since they were born. I was out of school before it went full throttle. But I remember an ad from years ago that showed a perfectly healthy, white ( yes I'm old ) baby girl playing on the floor. The narrator came on in a deadly serious tone saying something to the effect that although the baby looked perfectly normal she was born handicapped because as a female she would be subjected to any manner of discrimination.
I guess it was suppose to be empowering or a call to action. Idk, it just made me feel bad. LSS, my young brain didn't know if I would indeed be "kept down" , it didn't feel true, but hey the TV said so.
Years later I went to a service academy when they had just opened up to women. I thought the women were brave, smart and well intentioned. But tbh we didnt belong there. Yelling at alpha males during training felt unnatural. Idk, I went because I loved my country and wanted to serve. But maybe I also went because I thought it was our duty to fight against the message that we were " handicapped". But it wasn't any hate towards men or mean spirited in any way. I'll never know if that choice was authentically mine.
Amazing what propaganda, particularly clever propaganda, can accomplish. Even when you think your eyes are wide open, it's a constant fight to manage what goes in because it no doubt effects what comes out.
Don't be too hard on them, they have gotten a lifetime of bs flung their way.
Yes and they pulled the whole "you are selfish to have children, you are killing the planet".