JackieDaytona74 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's also illegal and members of Disney management should go to jail for breaking the law.

This isn't a situation where they should be fined or mildly disciplined. People need to go to jail for this.

by PepeSee
JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +2 / -0

Very good question. I say this cautiously, but if the reverse transcription occurs broadly across multiple cell types (including sperm cells), then it would be a firm "yes". The question I have is how broadly this occurs in the human body after getting multiple doses of the Jab.

Personally, I would lean towards this happening because we already know that the MRNA was not restricted to the deltoid muscle as stated by the manufacturers. They lied and stated that spike protein manufacturing would be restricted to the local cells and we have multiple studies and observations proving that was an abject lie.

Since we know spike protein manufacturing was pervasive, if reverse-transcription occurs then I would expect it to be a likelihood that it would extend to gametes.

It's stunning how many different ways the Jab attacks the human body. We know from documentation that they were working on the Jab for many years before C19 hit and it's very apparent that these bastards were hard at work.

Two years I posted on GAW (and a few others did as well) that we feared a day 10-20 years from now where the population of the Western world has been reduced by well over 50% due to shortened lives and fertility issues, all caused by the Jab. A day where the purebloods are struggling to keep society and manufacturing going while caring for the jabbed who are chronically ill along with the dwindling number of children who are also sick themselves.

That fear becomes more substantiated every day.

JackieDaytona74 4 points ago +4 / -0

Could we not ever link to an Aaron Rupar tweet ever again?

My youngest brother went to high school with that leftist pussy, and that man-child does nothing but spread agitprop all day, every day. Seeing his face makes me want to chuck my laptop out in the yard.

Otherwise, I'm a perfectly well-adjusted, non-violent person. I promise.

JackieDaytona74 3 points ago +3 / -0

Happy Birthday and may God continue to bless you, Mr. President.

JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +2 / -0

Excellent, high-quality post.

These could indeed be signs of a phoenix being built to rise from the ashes of the old economy. It bears continued watching.

JackieDaytona74 3 points ago +3 / -0

Spot on. Obviously there's the flood/Noah story from the bible and many, many other religions have an ancient flood story that aligns with the Younger Dryas period around 13k years ago where most of humanity was wiped out. There's a tremendous amount of genetic and geological proof that this occurred, though little evidence of high technology prior to the flood/destabilization of the Younger Dryas period.

What I'm referring to are much older artifacts and signs of high technology, going back millions of years. Out of place artifacts, Antarctica, glass in middle eastern deserts that can only be created by nuclear reactions.

JackieDaytona74 1 point ago +1 / -0


For those of you who have spent years doing very serious research on this subject (and I know there's several of you on GAW), this is rather interesting to see a "proper academic study' pointing to the same conclusion that many of us have had.

There's also substantial evidence pointing to past human civilizations with high technology that ended for whatever reason.

It's not completely unusual for these types of papers to be written by serious scientists at prestigious institutions (or in Harvard's case, once prestigious). But it is unusual for these papers to actually get mainstream attention.

Many years ago, a few Russian scientists wrote an excellent paper on our moon and that there is a significantly greater likelihood that it was brought here by another intelligence rather than forming naturally or being captured by the Earth's gravity.

When you dig into the data, that theory does indeed seem most plausible as absurd as that may sound as the conventional theories simply don't hold water given the data points.

JackieDaytona74 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hrm... between this and his appearance on that strange House of Cards segment with Tucker, I can't help but wonder if Spacy is being paraded around by the good guys as a cautionary tale to those trying to fight/run.

Even if Spacey can't get any new work, he should be making a ton of money every year in residuals given the number of films/shows he's been in. There's been no massive judgements against him in civil court that I'm aware of.

And why parade yourself on Piers Morgan, telling the world you're broke and homeless?

it makes very little sense unless you're being forced to do this.

JackieDaytona74 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're missing the forest for the trees. Of course there's a minority of circumstances where synthetic data can or is better, especially for very specific training goals or an absence of real world data.

But this isn't what major consumer and business software companies are doing with these platforms and that's where the privacy issues come into play.

JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is unfortunately a fight that has already spread to multiple battlefronts and will expand to many more in the future. I put up a post on this yesterday, though it got little traction.

Beyond the obvious nature of evil companies to spy on us, many software companies are going to try to do this in order to get access to your data for AI training. Whomever has access to the best real data is going to have the best AI and they're all racing to build the best AI.

Adobe has had major pushback in the past week on their new terms of service and that's a battle I suspect we're about to get a small victory in because people spoke up and cancelled their adobe subscriptions.

We're going to need to repeat that many times. But we can win this battle if we use our voices and wallets. I also expect to see enterprising coders develop methods to obfuscate data on the Windows PC side of things.


JackieDaytona74 0 points ago +1 / -1

And I work for a multi-billion dollar software company as a technical director.

There's no replacement for real data to train AI. For ML, that's a different story. But there's a reason that all of these companies are willing to take privacy risks to train their AI on real world data.

I don't know who in the hell you're working for, but they're apparently imbeciles. You can't generate data that can train AI as effectively as real data created by human beings.

JackieDaytona74 1 point ago +1 / -0

Indeed. All the major software companies want customers (businesses or individuals) to adopt a subscription / OpEx model. Unfortunately, many businesses in their foolish rush to The Cloud have adopted an OpEx model for their accounting methods.

As a consequence, nobody owns anything any longer.

But the AI training has opened a far more disturbing element to this subscription software model that everyone seems to be willing to embrace.

JackieDaytona74 5 points ago +5 / -0

This is a very important issue, but I would encourage everyone to be on guard for this situation in a far broader fashion.

The root of issues like the one above is that the #1 technology for every major software corp is of course, AI.

AI needs to be trained and for that, you need data. Real data. And that means as much of your data as possible.

Now consider that these companies are in a race against one another to build the best AI for their particular niche in the marketplace. That competitive pressure leads to a lot of short cuts and "looking the other way" when it comes to privacy and consumer rights.

This same battle is going on with Adobe right now whose new terms & conditions allow them access to all of your art (and more).

This is one of the new battlefields and I would encourage people in the strongest possible manner to get up to speed on this issue and how to fight it. Doesn't matter if you're non-technical, we need your voice.

We've been warned about AI for years, but now the rubber is hitting the road. We're hitting one of the first battlefields with this privacy fight.

JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +2 / -0

Some of us can't afford to buy a proper speedball in the morning and we have to get the "poor man's" version.

Feels like I'm under attack here and I don't like it.

JackieDaytona74 3 points ago +3 / -0

My question is whether or not there are any Leftist voters that after watching this are smart enough to recognize that Pelosi & her fellow puppets lied to them for 3.5 years and actually get mad about it?

JackieDaytona74 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm still wary of this story. The Biden admin is champing on the bit to approve the purchase of COMAC airliners from their masters in China.

The death of these whistleblowers just seems a bit on the nose, doesn't it?


JackieDaytona74 7 points ago +7 / -0

I agree, but I'm a firm believer that most of our ire should be directed at the jurors.

Our system depends on 12 people not acting like complete commie effing retards to reign in corrupt judges.

That jury shouldn't be allowed in polite society for the rest of their lives.

JackieDaytona74 3 points ago +3 / -0

"They cannot definitively rule out the Covid vaccines as playing a role, but believe the evidence supporting the virus theory to be much stronger."

Oh fuck off.

JackieDaytona74 3 points ago +3 / -0

In a broad sense, I have similar thoughts. There's a lot of good published studies on Ivermectin's efficacy as a broad-spectrum anti-viral and a moderately affective treatment for certain types of cancers. These studies just haven't been heralded for all the obvious reasons.

The data is good on ivermectin for cancer, but not the end all be all. FenBen is considerably more effective (though both together is most effective).

What I'm getting at in a very roundabout way is that I agree, I've had the sense that Ivermectin and HCQ were touted by the President as you say, a "gateway drug" to show the public that there are cheap, effective treatments via off-label usage of established compounds.

Add in some of Q's comments, and I'd say your theory is even more substantiated.

And at the risk of getting a bit "woo woo", I strongly suspect that a day will arrive where we will learn that we can affect healing in the body via more spiritual means beyond prayer. Whether that day happens in our lifetimes or our children's lifetimes remains to be seen.

High quality post, Lawjic.

JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +2 / -0

"...and finally we must demonstrate love for all of humanity with far greater focus here at home."

This is perhaps the most difficult part. The puppets of our enemy have behaved in such a despicable, detestable manner that it's very difficult not to hate them.

But we've got to figure out a way to spare a little love for them while we're fighting against those who brainwashed them.

I say this to myself as much as I do to everyone else. It's not an easy task, but I know in my heart that it's the right thing to do.

JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +2 / -0

Because in the proper context, polls are very meaningful. Polls are the precursor to election fraud. Crooked polling is the setup for crooked elections.

President Trump was never ahead in the polls in 2016 or 2020. In 2016, he won because election fraud was undone in just 3 cities.

in 2020, he won in a landslide but lost due to massive, obvious and clumsy election fraud.

In both cases, election fraud had an enormous impact on the final popular vote and the polling was there to program the public's expectations.

That's not happening this time because I suspect the gap is so wide that polling outlets can't hide it. This is a very significant development and deserves attention.

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