Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. Romans 1:28-29
Trying to look more like his daddy Fidel Castro
That is as deliberate as a Catholic doing the sign of the cross. It is a sign of their allegiance and loyalty to Satan and the Masonic cult. Make no mistake. Here’s a deep dive if you’re interested… https://www.bitchute.com/video/0e1gMeZ4QIht/
Those are some big ass diapers. Nadler size for sure.
Just the new crop circles.
I took the exact same dose and got the exact same results.
It looks like he may be Canadian which would explain why Canada is going to complete shit.
The photo of Epstein looks like it’s been photoshopped. And I work with Photoshop everyday if that matters. It’s just off. Look at his hand on the back of the bench. Yeah it’s the same cabin but I’m not convinced. Would be happy to be wrong.
I got 100 DWACW at 4.25. Pretty sure those warrants expire sometime in 2028. The stock should be good and high by then.
How about 1000 jabs of his poison!!
100 up votes! I am amazed at some of the libs that are admitting they were so wrong on the facts. It’s ALL about where you get your information. Libs feed at the tough of crap the MSM dish out and they are dangerously ignorant and stupid beyond comprehension. The truth on this story and all of the DS mockingbird MSM lies has been in plain sight for anyone to see! The mass psychosis is staggering! Lord have mercy!!!!
So I grabbed 100 warrants at a little over $4.00. So paint me a scenario using real numbers if things were to go real well. And since the warrants are good until 2028 do I just hold for 5 years as the stock goes crazy? Then what ever the value of my warrants is, I can exercise them and get as many of the common stock as possible at $11:50 a share? Is that correct? That could be Uuge!
And they think they’re eating brownies because that’s what they’re being told.
Your husband cheated by using Ivermectin. My cheat was HCQ with the same result. Part of the insanity is that you’re not allowed to cheat. Wearing a mask and having a testimony of great suffering is a Sacrament of the cult. And if you have a friend that’s a doctor or a nurse that’s bought into the lie you’re even more holy. To care for yourself is like denying their god and you are ostracized as a non-believing infidel.
It was a hate crime! Punishment is intended to discourage others as well where things could get worse. Try taking a BLM hat off a young liberal person of color. The double standard is mind blowing.
All to be blamed on the unvaxed
There is a right place for cameras. They protect both parties in most cases. Daycares, and schools are public paces that have no constitutional promise of privacy. Watch some of the first amendment Auditors on YT. Who’s privacy is violated by a camera in a HS classroom full of OUR kids? It’s been cameras that are finally exposing all this crap!
I’ve been waiting for the same question!! “ Aren’t you the damn President Sir? Who is in charge here?”
Greitens may be worth a look!
How does the $200 protect anyone from the virus. That makes zero sense other than extortion.
Now that would be the proper vaccine for the real virus!
Probably more like, ” “No” votes blocked because too many people voting no”.
I have been hoping for 4.5 years and there have been an awful lot of stings that never amount to anything. I pray it is true but am getting weary.... we all know what’s going on. Please let the pain begin!!!!...(I won’t give up but please.....)
There is no effin way.
DWAC is still a bargain for a few more weeks.