Jimmysyankee 5 points ago +5 / -0

As a former goat, I have to concur. The ones who thought they 'knew everything' ended up being the ones black pilled--the one's 'disappointed' in Q, because Q didn't come through...etc. I have one of those in my family and it's maddening.

Jimmysyankee 1 point ago +1 / -0

I hear you on the brain! I've tried to meditate so many times in my life and my brain will not shut up.

Jimmysyankee 1 point ago +1 / -0

My entire household uses magnesium. Taken in the evening it does help us sleep, with the added benefit of better pooping the next morning.

Jimmysyankee 3 points ago +3 / -0

Have you tried magnesium before bedtime?

Jimmysyankee 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've got more pix of the 'women' competing in the mixed relay but no clue how to post pix in comments. Sorry.

Jimmysyankee 5 points ago +5 / -0

A member of a conservative group I'm in asked me to share this message. She's a triathlete and competes on the world stage. Last year she represented the USA in Romania. This year she has qualified to represent us again in Australia. This global attempt to erase women needs to be stopped. Please take a moment and make a difference.

"A one-sentence email from you could make a big difference for women. You've seen the men obliterating women in sports. And what's scary is that some younger girl athletes are now saying , "what's the point?". I competed against a man in Irving, Texas this spring in the National Championship Duathlon ( run/bike/run). I was able to qualify for the World Championships in Australia next year, but every event a man posing as a woman was entered in, there is a woman who missed this opportunity by one spot. The once-in-a lifetime opportunity to be part of Team USA!!! ….USAT ( USA Triathlon) permits men to compete against women in all areas. They have taken the " path of least resistance " with this issue. They need to hear people asking them not to allow this anymore. It doesn't matter if you are not a triathlete. And you do not have to write an essay. We are hoping to flood the USAT's board members inboxes with Americans asking simply " would you please consider the rights of women and not allow men to compete against them? Thank you." ….The photo is of men competing in the category Mixed Relay , which should consist of at least one female. Teams you see pictured below have finished at the top because they have no woman on their team, but a man saying he is a woman. "

HERE ARE THE EMAIL ADDRESSES: nationalevents@usatriathlon.org mark.turner@usatriathlon.org victoria.brumfeld@usatriathlon.org

Jimmysyankee 3 points ago +3 / -0

He came to speak to a group I'm in and his presentation was stellar. He's incredibly smart and a true Patriot.

Jimmysyankee 9 points ago +9 / -0

Our entire educational system needs a top to bottom overhaul. Put Mike Rowe in charge.

Jimmysyankee 7 points ago +7 / -0

Thyroid: Iodine deficiencies thanks to chlorine, bromine and fluoride.

Jimmysyankee 5 points ago +5 / -0

The US has plenty of historical things to answer for as well.

Jimmysyankee 4 points ago +4 / -0

This would be even more kek-ulous if he was kneeling on someone's neck.

Jimmysyankee 3 points ago +3 / -0

This topic deserves a post of its own! My family went into the Obama years in good shape and came out bankrupt, with myself disabled (thank you big pharma) and now widowed. I'd like to at least regain what my husband and I worked for all those years if not more. I want some meaningful work that actually pays.

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