Would rather the states BE LIKE SOUTH DAKOTA. Nothing to open up because they never closed down.
Good news yes. Leading the way no, South Dakota never placed mandates on their citizens.
George as in George News is the "news" I believe referred to in the drops of intelligence. https://qalerts.app/?q=news+unlocks
He is in power. According to the polls he is the king maker for any election candidate.
Yes. I looked into this. Guess what, all about election fraud. Do not believe me? Look it up Anons! Jim Jones was part of the election fraud in the 1975 San Francisco mayoral election. Dianne Feinstein came in third forcing a runoff election in which busing people in and dead people voting allowed the liberal candidate, George Moscone, to beat the conservative, John Barbagelata. San Francisco has been in the pocket of the left ever since. Sound familiar?
Mostly they were all murdered.
the gateway pundit is not a trust worthy source for new. you should find news elsewhere. They continue to publish garbage by Tayler Hanson about Ashli Babbot claiming she was shot at the capital. They know it has been debunked and false. Please stopped post links to this website. Is only hurt our country by spreading disinformation. https://www.lifenews.com/2021/02/26/michigan-lawmakers-demand-investigation-of-gov-whitmers-nursing-home-order/
No, but expected. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9WKL_UNxds&feature=emb_logo
How do empty mags help with this?
Ummm, no. This is false info.
Yep, plastic surgery of the ear lobs is all the rage these days. Nothing to see here. Kek
When exactly do you think he was outstated the he would need to be reinstated?
The is called fallback propaganda and you are falling for it. This loser murdered people to get covid number up. The rest is a distraction. Please stay focused.
Larry Klayman Founder of Judicial Watch.
Sold out? I do not think he has ever even been in the store. He has been the enemy of America since day one.
It will be a ribbiting interview. I cannot wait.
Sounds like a plan. I submit we exchange in silver, gold or Bit Coin. Otherwise may not have any value. lol
I would block them. If you have $100 or more I may be inclined to setup a way you could double anonymously share with me. If less than that piss off. lol
You should go back and watch the video again. The author of the article is in the video with Ashli as one of the supporting actors. Bad acting I might add (pun intended).
The plan has been moving forward. I am not sure what world you are living in or what you expect to see. Pedos are being arrested right and left. Covid lies are being shown as lies. The DS is freaking out. The Fed Reserve is in panic mode and do not know how to depress the economy with out totally hurting their masters. I am not sure what you expected but everything cannot turn on a dime. The plan is moving forward. God is moving mightily. Pray that God reveal the truth to you and awaken a new spirit with in you.
I personally do not care if she is dead or not. All I know is that she was not shot in the neck at the capitol. That was debunked almost immediately. All on video, including the fake blood belly band machine she was wearing the failed to work properly. Way over acted. The tried to unwrapped a towelette to clean the bleeding. lmao. No preasure applied to the fake wound...... but in their defense the blood machine failed to work so how would they know where to apply pressure? The author of this story is from the same area of UT as John Sullivan. lol
newsmax is for HRC. Do not be deceived.
The website you linked is untrustworthy. I would not give them clicks or believe what they post.