I'm looking forward to hearing what's on those hard drives... Interesting to hear about the stolen identity stuff. For a sheriff and a police department to go together on this either that entire area is totally corrupt or there's some pedo activity going on
I know that if I didn't have a M.I. background and I didn't witness the intel boards live since 2017, I'd be MOAR ready for war. I'd be bugged out, underground bunker mode. i mean still kinda that way for local concerns but... yeah kinda wish I could be more involved... normies are waking up...
SEC test does it have something to do with the required voting for dwac? That's due on August 12th I think? I know I got my vote in but I think one of the two points to vote on is essentially an extension where the SEC is trying to snuff it out by letting it expire or something like that. Look up dwac in search there's a couple of good threads on it
If you ever travel out west, stopping their shop. You'll see dudes with tattoos that'll pretty much make it clear their patriots. And I don't mean the type that are just there to make money cuz they put the pledge of allegiance on a t-shirt. You don't get invited to Trump's house for being a fake Patriot at this point in the game I believe
I see, perfect target. Thank you for the insight friend. I know so little about Hawaii it's probably a little offensive LOL