Judicator 11 points ago +11 / -0

Lego has been more of a stable currency than most for the past ~10-20 years. They pretty much only go up in value if it's an external IP. I've seriously considered legitimately investing in purchases to sit on in mint condition and resell like, 10 years later for 200% or something.

That said, obviously, $8,888 is above even the most expensive collector stuff I've seen bought and sold. I think the most expensive I remember was like $2,000 for a 1-made large I think Star Wars set or something that had like an actual gold brick or some shit, IDK though it was a long ass time ago.

Judicator 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think it will be about the internet.

"We MUST shut down a free and open internet to prevent more devastating cyber attacks! Now you're only allowed to use mainstream big tech!"

Judicator 1 point ago +1 / -0

How is this becoming the villain?

This social agenda is ridiculous. Worthy of ridicule.

That's why we call it "clown world"; it's completely and unbelievably ridiculous.

The natural, honest, human, and good response is ridicule. Shame is a powerful but mostly harmless tool in our arsenal; by making statements which so blatantly expose the hypocrisy and ridiculousness of the agenda, we are potentially persuading those with sensibility to abandon it.

Judicator 7 points ago +7 / -0

I agree that he loves the spotlight, but I also think he would absolutely delight in faking his death and watching that be the catalyst for worldwide awakening.

I could see him taking/making a deal with the white hats.

If he had participated in [truly] criminal activities, he might spend some time in prison (nothing new for him there). But, by participating, he takes down the cabal, allowing him to finish off his sentence, or even just live free, without the constant vigilance/fear he's dealt with for decades now.

So he works with them, they fake his death, and his deadman switch is activated. He is kept in a safe and secure location. The info BTFO of the elites and cabal. He has to be publicly silent/anonymous, but he gets to watch his name change the world. Cabal falls, great awakening, and he can return to life as a free man (unless he needs to do some prison first)!

Judicator 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hopefully that's all it is!

Judicator 5 points ago +5 / -0

all the better that we've co-opted it so easily then!

Judicator 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oohh that's interesting.

That said it hasn't really been "his" for over a decade, I think, so I don't know how directly connected that would be, but there is room for comms in that I think.

Judicator 6 points ago +6 / -0

Do you understand reading?

I'm not saying "I don't know" and "I'm not sure" about the same thing as I'm saying "Absolute hard proof".

It IS absolute hard proof that SOMETHING big is happening. The "I don't know" and "I'm not sure" is with regards to what exactly is happening.

Why are you pulling out weird fallacious arguments about a post you didn't read properly, to just compare me to the communists, then to soft-core agree with me? Hell, I didn't even say "I'm not sure" in the post once, why would you even quote that?

Judicator 9 points ago +9 / -0

His life was way too wild to pin him down really, I think lol

I think it's an important reminder too that nothing is even remotely as simple as people like to think. None of it is clear cut.

Judicator 4 points ago +4 / -0

He was def not afraid to live really fucking wild.

I think he is/was a former blackhat. Not necessarily a morally good guy, but disconnected and against the DS.

Judicator 9 points ago +9 / -0

I first heard about his death from a hardcore leftist.

It IS waking people up because he went to such pains to express that he would not kill himself. His "suicide" validates the things he's publicly said, all about the deep state and so on. I'm not saying it's all true, I'm just saying it will bolster believably of it all by a bunch for most people.

Judicator 27 points ago +27 / -0

If he's dead there'd be shit loads of stuff out there.

Here's my theory:

  • He got wealthy.
  • He got involved in all kinds of deep shit.
  • He got out.
  • He's been living as a thorn in their side/enemy ever since, just trying to stay alive.
  • White hats are about to seal the deal; they've brought in Dong, they had Epstein, and now they're bringing in McAfee to bring out his terabytes of dirt out.
Judicator 32 points ago +32 / -0

Followed his antics a little while back, he claimed to have a HARDCORE deadman's switch and I believe it since he should have "suicided" long ago.

Also, he has explicitly stated on MANY occasions he will not kill himself. Including this prison I believe.

I don't know if he was whitehat or blackhat. He seemed to be involved in a lot of debauchery but also the DS hated him so...

This is what I would call absolute hard proof something huge is happening; the question is, what? Is it blackhats convinced they fully have control enough that his deadman's switch wont harm them? Doubtful. Is it white hats? If so, is he dead or just in custody to testify?

Huge. Absolutely huge.

by BQnita
Judicator 12 points ago +12 / -0

If this is the situation I think you're referring to, that entire PD is probably about to be on the losing side of a lawsuit.

Basically, the guy asserted his 1st Amendment right to be there and the ?chief? agreed with him but continued to arrest him.

That's literally the guy saying "You have no right to arrest me" and the officer replying "I have no right to arrest you" while arresting him.

That said I don't think that's "unfortunate"

We need a good lawsuit like this to discourage this kind of absurd overreach in the future.

Judicator 5 points ago +6 / -1

It's likely not about them trying to get it to pass. It's probably more along the lines of a deal made for all of the swamp to be able to justify returns to party lines to prepare for the next "(s)election cycle".

Even Romney voted in opposition.

Judicator 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dual meaning though; could mean "Clintons in prison for life"

pretty clever MAGA name actually

Judicator 5 points ago +6 / -1

Him saying this doesn't mean stuff has to be "HAPPENING" it just means it might be shocking.

Last time he said stuff like this the events were shocking. He isn't wrong it just doesn't mean as much as people want it to.

Judicator 0 points ago +7 / -7

Yeah but together has gotta be one of the most used words in politics. No way is this anything other than reaching way too hard.

Judicator 2 points ago +2 / -0

He didn't, a MSM (I think NYT?) writer disseminated that one to flak up the waters.

Lindell said he thinks Trump will be, but I've never heard a credible source say Trump thinks he'll be instated by August.

That said I would not mind his return then whatsoever, in fact I'd find that really quite desirable.

Judicator 2 points ago +2 / -0

Also (according to the DIA, so not sure how trustworthy self-reporting is) they withheld the information about the defector from the CIA and FBI over concerns they were compromised by the Chinese. IF that's true that's a pretty sure indication that they're at least partially white hats.

I can't think of a good reason for them to have this entire event chain and to lie about suppressing the info or the likes. If they had the ability to, they'd have the ability to do other things that I'd figure make more sense from a black-hat perspective.

Judicator 3 points ago +3 / -0

I recall hearing not too long ago that the DIA admitted they'd had him for a few months but were suppressing that information from the other intelligence groups, if this is the same incident/story.

Judicator 8 points ago +8 / -0

They reportedly kept the info from the CIA and FBI.

I can't see the 5D chess motive for the deep state in pretending to have a good intel agency we barely know anything about fighting bad intel agencies we barely know anything about. I would think there would be a lot easier ways of obtaining virtually all their ends.

This implies to me that the DIA is not blackhat, which implies the military isn't totally bad or screwed up, which lends HUGE credence to virtually everything about Q.

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