This is completely true. The problem of Japan’s rapidly aging and declining population is well-known to Westerners, but what many don’t know is that China is also sitting on its own demographic time bomb. The CCP likes to posture a lot, but the harsh truth of the matter is that even if they somehow did take over the world, they wouldn’t last long because in 20 years they’d have a massive influx of elderly citizens and not enough young citizens to support them. In many of China’s urban developed areas, the birth rate is even lower than most European countries. They even tried to incentivize young couples to have more children by getting rid of the 1-child policy and allowing up to 3 children, but very few young people have taken up that offer. They’ve successfully managed to create a dystopian society that their own citizens would rather slowly die out than pass it to the next generation.
So, good job communists - you’ve played yourselves. Again.
I noticed that in the paper’s introduction, she refers to herself as a “future Black alumnus.” In Latin, alumnus is the masculine form; alumna would be the proper term for a female graduate. Now you could chalk this up to Michelle not being smart enough to know Latin (from her writing she certainly didn’t seem to know many other basic rules of English grammar either), but now I can’t help wondering if it was a slip of the tongue…
Well, obviously he’s mad about it - one of the guys killed by Kyle was proven to be a pedo, just like him.
Interesting that they included Asians among these groups, especially when there are certain Asian ethnic groups that are particularly high achieving academically to the point that they don’t benefit at all from affirmative action (generally Northeast Asians like Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese, and South Asians/Indians). Regardless, I agree that this line of thinking is extremely racist.
Is that really a perk? This notion of giving extra credit for something completely non-academic strikes me as absurd. At the college level, and at least in most serious classes, there was absolutely no extra credit assigned for any reason. On the very rare occasions that it was available, the student would have really had to work for it (either by solving a very difficult problem or completing a separate project). I guess these days schools in the US are really more about rewarding obedience than intelligence and hard work. It is shameful.
I think you would be surprised - I was out in the Palm Springs/Palm Desert area in liberal Southern California for Independence Day weekend, and the vast majority of people I saw were not wearing masks. The whole scene looked very much like it did in the pre-COVID era.
Reddit is overrun with bots, trolls, and paid shills who actively skew the narrative to overtly favor one side. Those people who actually think all this woke virtue-signaling stuff is the majority opinion need to log off their computer and go out into the real world and talk to real, everyday average people like the gentleman in this video, who admittedly sounds very much like a highly above average individual himself.
I am a native Chinese speaker. It is important to remember that there are many homophones in Chinese, since there are many characters that sound exactly the same when spoken aloud but look completely different when written out on paper. In other words, if you speak just a single character out loud to me, I will not be able to tell exactly which one it is unless I am given additional context. This actually reminds me of the Q post that talks about double/multiple meanings. Also, there is a possibility that “Dong Jingwei” is an alias and not the guy’s real name.
I don’t know why they found the original post so hard to believe. When I first read it, I could tell it wasn’t like the usual made-up stories proliferating on Reddit and other sites because it was short and succinctly described what happened. In other words, it was exactly what I’d expect from someone simply recounting an event - no lengthy contrived dialogue or anything.
For many majors this is indeed the case; however, certain practical fields such as engineering, accounting, and nursing really do teach their graduates useful skills. I grew a lot as both a person and a student during my time in engineering school. But I agree that real work experience still trumps everything else. A diploma is just a fancy piece of paper until you can demonstrate that you can work well in the real world.
She accepted money from Robert Maxwell, Ghislaine’s father. I would not be at all surprised.
As a California resident this is just another one of the state’s newest insane policies. What I find ironic is that they rail against acknowledging that people have different talents and natural abilities in math because apparently that is “inequitable”, but they won’t say a word about the fact that certain minority groups tend to perform better at certain sports and are over represented as professional athletes. Based on their logic, that is also “inequitable” and the major sports leagues should lower their standards to allow uncoordinated people like me a chance.
I agree, and it’s also odd how some women seem to believe that they are somehow immune, or that they will be the lucky exceptions. I’m talking about college aged women who go to party at certain frat houses or venues, even while knowing that there are shady characters frequenting those places, and then act like the shocked Pikachu meme when those shady people do shady things to them. There are plenty of other fun events going on that don’t involve sketchy people or places of any kind. Unless a woman is very unlucky, sexual/physical assault can be almost totally avoided if they make smart decisions.
Yes, I never understood all those statistics about so many places being supposedly so “dangerous for women”, especially that statistic about 1 out of 5 (or was it 2 out of 5?) women getting raped on college campuses. I am a woman who spent quite a few years in school getting a bachelors and masters degree in engineering. I have never experienced anything even remotely resembling assault because I actually use my brain and don’t do things that go against common sense, like going to parties that are known to have sketchy characters, leaving my drinks unattended, or walking around unsafe/dimly lit areas alone at night.
I don’t doubt that bad things can happen, but the vast majority of them can be completely avoided if women just used some common sense.
There’s also the Rothschild who died while only in his 50’s, as well as the sugar magnate who was a member of the globalist Council on Foreign Relations. At the grassroots level, local politicians advancing the America First agenda are being elected to replace the swampy RINO’s. There’s also the fact that Merkel is stepping down next year, as well as that period of time earlier this year when a bunch of European governments all resigned. Many things are happening - we just don’t necessarily see them all at once.
I don’t think Rakuten has anything like Amazon Prime’s free 2 day shipping, but their website is an aggregator of product listings on various individual shops’ websites. A lot of those shops have free shipping for orders that are over a certain amount (for example, $35), so I tend to buy in bulk.
I’ve heard of Honey as well, but unless I’m mistaken I don’t think Honey has its own dedicated website where you can search for specific products you want and compare the prices across multiple stores. Rakuten is both a website and a browser extension.
An alternative to Amazon that I like is Rakuten (, which I always recommend to people who want to boycott Amazon products. It also gives cash back for every purchase.
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It’s comical isn’t it? They conveniently dismiss any threats to them as coming from “those pesky QAnons/racists”, when in fact there are many Democrats who have legitimate grievances and issues with the way they are running things. To summarily dismiss them all as “conspiracy theorists” shows how out of touch the Democrat party leadership is.
As an Asian person - yes, I agree that Asian hate should be stopped, especially when it comes from idiotic left-leaning types who like to proclaim themselves the supreme authorities on my native culture and lecture me despite their own laughable ignorance (example: claiming that Asian people ‘wear masks all the time’ when in fact we only wear them if we are sick, or live in areas with very high rates of air pollution. We don’t wear them for no reason). They also completely disregard my warnings about the erosion of freedom of speech and the frightening resemblance this has to communism.
Reading this reminded me of how China has previously snubbed Obama in the past (and now Biden), but they rolled out the red carpet for Trump and invited him to dine at the Forbidden Palace. That’s because these authoritarian governments only respect strength. I am of Chinese descent myself, and to borrow a word from our language, it really bothers me to see Western officials kowtowing to China, when in fact they should be doing the exact opposite.
Just looked it up on and found something interesting: apparently back in 2017 and earlier, it used to say “residents of the United States and Washington DC” (which is closer to what I’ve seen in the past), but then sometime in 2018 it got changed to “residents of the United States or Washington DC”.
I canceled my BoA account not too long ago and switched to a credit union for alumni of my school. I would highly recommend credit unions whenever possible - no/very low fees, the service is far superior, and they directly support your local community. If you join one in your area, there will also be brick-and-mortar branches for you to visit if needed.
As far as Christian communities go, I found this credit union serving members of a Protestant Christian ministry/church: It may be worth looking into, as you apparently get $200 for opening a free checking account.
This post just reminded me: there are a significant number of Americans out there who are dependent on prescription meds just to make it through each day, and I wouldn’t be surprised if there was indeed a correlation between that and the dismal state of mental health in the country with all the deranged leftists. Personally, I have never trusted any of those drugs, and I rarely even drink coffee - the only things I take regularly are vitamin supplements.
I agree with what has been said here about white replacement, and I think anyone living in Western countries can see it happening right before their eyes year after year. But, I want to also offer another perspective as a person of East Asian (Taiwanese) descent - a very similar thing is occurring in our countries as well. In fact, China was the first country to have implemented actively dysgenic (i.e. the opposite of eugenic) policies by systematically killing off most of their elite scholars and intellectuals during the Cultural Revolution. They also implemented the One Child Policy which affected an entire generation. Even though they are now allowing families to have up to 2-3 children, it is largely too little, too late. Most people my age there (I’m a young Millennial) are not interested in having children due to high costs of living.
Additionally, many advanced East Asian economies (Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore) have birth rates that are even lower than most European countries, and there appears to be no way of reversing this trend. In the West, at least there are still small subsets of religious groups who continue to have large families (Mormons, Amish, the Quiverfull movement) - we don’t have any of those in Eastern countries. My grandfather came from a family of 8 children; yet 2 generations later he only has 4 grandchildren total. Another surprising thing that some may not be aware of is that China has lately become a top destination for African migrants, who choose to go there for education due to the significantly lower cost compared to Western countries (this arrangement is much more favorable in terms of their native countries’ currency conversion rates). The Chinese government has also been encouraging them to come and there is an increasing number of African/Chinese marriages as well. In general it seems that governments are interested in suppressing certain native populations who have the capacity as a group to be more economically productive than others.