4 years ago, my first account was banned by ******** for explaining (multiple times) that no arrests would happen Jan 20th 2021.
Kinda glad Wray was in. Without him we wouldnt have the people supporting a complete dismantling of the FBI. Almost as if it was according to plan....
I stand with Alex Jones.
WTF this was not the DLC I was anticipating.
I have begun doing that.
They are still in control
Nah fam, they want you to think that. Live free. Fuckm
This. People always want to hate on SCOTUS, but they rarely review the suit/ruling details.
Political move. HE wants it banned, but politics is brutal.
Nice guy, But I think he lost his mind.
3 years ago?wtf
Fun Fact: Idaho law now states "If [you] require a vaccine, and a person has an (any) injury from vaccine, [you] are responsible for the damages."
This pretty much killed any vaccine requirements in the state overnight. It was glorious.
WA only recently got rid of personal exemption... interesting no?
You can if you are your own country.
doesnt matter who he picks, we MAGA or die
"He is not MAGA" "Deceit"
Yes and no, if this is an Operation, then victory has been secured and we are just watching a "Show" to enjoy.
Get involved, but I dont think the Operation requires us to pray.
I float in and out of Doomer/MAGA fighter extreme 2000
2021: I was banned by ****** for saying "nothing will happen"
Nothing happened. Biden installed. USA F'd.
2024: Nothing will happen. Trump F'd again, we done.
Come at me.
No. Act accordingly.
GEOTUS will give a speech.