Like I said,once again, spare the innocents by cutting the head of the snake. Active combatants, better run or defect before the hammer drops, because Z this time blew up the money and ammo pipelines and Western Europe is too busy giving every last penny in handouts to illegal aliens and covering up grooming gangs to help.
See Poland. They got the memo, and are arming up to the teeth.
I wonder how much less populated england would become if all "refugees" and illegals were kicked out, and if that would leave enough space to start growing some forests over there, without stealing it from farmers that likely have been working that land for centuries more than the US has been a country.
Quite easy when a bunch of treasonous scumbags are willing to hand you all the research since the 1950's for a bunch of money (among other things). All that's necessary then is to gather up a couple dozens of scientists and they piece together the missing parts.
Exactly. Don't feed the trolls. The advice is more aimed towards those of us who are older or very recently woke up to the situation, which makes them more susceptible to falling for shills or being radicalized by feds or accelerationists and damaging the movement.
Poor bastard was too blackpilled to see any way out of the status quo, so he did what he did. He also had no acess to communications like we do back then, so it was impossible to do group research and contrast findings, or coordinate political action and provide mental support when things were at the darkest for him.
I have a hypothesis that your average leftist dissolves into a sludge of hornome blockers and soy milk if they spend more than a week without X clout.
As for Teslas, they are the best electric cars (I do believe in EVs in some capacity, but only after major upgrades and overhauls in energy production and grid manteinance). And they sure beat the tar out of the ChiCom crap.
Neither does gold (it's just a yellow metallic rock), diamonds (really hard rock) or printed paper bills. Currency has value only because a lot of people agree that it does. For reference, see the Fallout and Metro video game franchises. In there, paper money doesn't mean jack squat after a nuclear armaggedon, and everyone decided that the new currency would be , respectively, soft drink bottle caps and military-grade, never spent rounds.
Second,know what else is used by every single international criminal organization of every type ? Dollars. I don't think he's gonna get rid of all he has because of it.
Cut off all the money and let them throw the eggs at T-90's. No Simo Hayha to save them this time.