Shine that light! It is always uplifting to hear youth speak with intelligence and common sense. I hope many ears receive his words...
Moves and counter moves. Some things are tools to get BH's to expend ammo or expose traitors...there is a timeline, but it's not OUR timeline, Anon.
That's what I said...covfefe?
That's gotta be faster than "fall back"
My pleasure, fren.
Sorry. That's the only one I was aware of. Please let me know if you find it!
Odd. OP changed the link in the post and that one works. I just tried it. Deleted mine.
Praise God, Always! Even with this shitshow, we are still a blessed nation, and I am thankful that I live Under God, in 🇺🇸
Kek! "Hot and chill? That's a dude!" Thanks TaQo!!
BTW, I AM a woman🤣
I think the crab might be North Korea.
Well...a lot of women are crazy. Some are batshit crazy. Just look at the liberals.
Some are zippertits.
Transgender men means biological females with gender dysphoria.
My pleasure, Fren!
Depends on how close to an election and how strong the opponent is..
It's the movie version of "The 1776 Prophecy" by EKO LOVES YOU on Substack.
To fix: copy/paste the whole address. Delete only "" and replace with "" (without quotation marks, of course). Then save when finished.
By the Trump Train (which STILL has no brakes)! Oohhh, meme idea!!
"...The President May sign a directing a subordinate to affix the President's signature..."
This isn't carte blanche.
Title/article/link don't match.
Not the woman holding the sign though.
In this article, the picture shown of the woman standing (circled) does not look like the same woman judging by her hair. The circled woman looks like the one that held the "This is not normal" sign. Will attach: NEVERMIND the last statement...eyes getting old. But still doesn't look like same woman from the hair.
You would think that could be in their new hire benefits package. Give them at least an employee discount to expedite self-deportation.