Try more expensive green tea from a dedicated tea shop. Most cheaper green teas are contaminated with pesticides and heavy metals. If you still have bad reactions to it, try white tea (like Pai Mu Tan), it has even more catechins than green tea and is not as heavily fermented.
I have a buddy which i haven't seen for a year. He was always a lefty that opposed our right wind party. Then I am seeing him at a friends gathering in December. He openly talks about the Rothschild Empire, Bill Gates and Central Banks. I'm still amazed. We are from Germany. Even our people are waking up.
My country (Germany) was also sold out. People were talking since earlier than 2010 about the BRD GmbH (German Corporation). I was perplexed when I heard the same thing about the USA a few days ago. I don't think the whole corporation thing is on point. What definitively can be stated is that countrys gave up their sovereignty by entering a centralized banking system. For Normies that is not easy to comprehend because they don't understand the absolutely insane power of gold backed currency.
Well, I thought of the charger and challenger. Purple, Green, shades of red, orange and even purple. Really great options.