I thought Tennessee banned chem trails recently
please s'plain..... gates mention is a fake out? Or what
Macron is so weird. Always looks gung ho and oblivious about being an object of ridicule because he is part of the tranny wives club.
Oh yeah Ted Kennedy was a real prince, the way he ended the life of one of his side chicks. Carole Anne Kopeckni.
Let it be soon we can arrange for Fauci to answer to God in person
I'm pitiful. This entire post sails right over my head in multiple ways.
Must be video of him tripping Nancy on the stairs
Thousands of years. How long has humanity worshipped Ba'al and Moloch? Bled innocents on altars?
I did find Vivek's comment to sound patronizing and in fact it could have been one of Obama's veiled contemptuous comments he made about us. Hate to use the Karenish phrase "I didn't like his tone", but that exactly what I didn't like.
Pope looks like death warmed over. He's too pooped to Pope. He looks frozen. A Popesicle.
That was my line, you beat me to it.
Won't cause any harm. Iver even stops stomach flu. But humans will not have a bird flu pandemic. Absolutely, positively not.
Making nice with people he'll help screw over. Elites have bg plans for ALL of Hawaii
Thank you for the reminder of this old memory.. and in my mind it is sung by Bing Crosby.
In fact, he is, a really sinister bitch. He impedes the saving of children and is a soulless monster
He has perv face. It cannot be escaped.
Well we'll just see how that goes for them, won't we.
Fills me with shame for my country. But the days of impunity for the travesty are going to end. ANGEL ARMIES
Dear Lord, protect innocents from evil people and also please block Joe and Jill from doing still more harm.
It's not conscience, it's that he knows he has, and does, go against God.
As Assange said.... 98% of D.C. would be arrested
Bird flu in non-birds...... nope.
Isn't this the third time he has played this same game?
Coke could make a stevia, monk fruit or zylitol birch sweetener version of coke and be wildly supported. I hope they are wise enough to do it.