She could use more followers and support.
It's A merica... Quit bastardizing the name.
You mean Juan 0 not his real name? Grifter.
I watch him on Bitchute, no problem there.
Santa is full of it. Click bait
Bit of a stretch there fren
When will they be held accountable?
Oops. I don't post often so I forget the "rules". I see someone else shared it, so that's good!
Using Lin Wood?.. I don't trust.
Lynn is a grifter
Refill 78 Christian Patriot News X22 and the same ones already listed
Is he legit or not?
Oh geez, I was wondering about him. Some of his stuff seemed off to me as well. I sometimes wonder if he's just trying to be relevant? But if this was really the reason svb exploded... π€£π€£π€£π€£
Looks photoshopped
Not a fan of AJ, ever since he claimed he had contact with Q. Q said be careful who you follow.