Of course.
It's gateway pundit which equals BULLSHIT.
Never saw it.
There is always a COMMERCIAL exemption, just like in California in regards to the ban of gasoline small equipment like lawn mowers and snow blowers.
I understand the free gibs crowd - but they aren't doing too great either. Barely just enough to get by. Is that their American Dream?
I do add olive oil every time I use the pan, otherwise it's dry. It never has a good sheen like I've seen "properly" seasoned pans to have!
Shit I've tried to season my cast iron. Shit always stiicks still.
Less than 10 years.
I've done that too, before I realized you could find the motors super cheap on ebay.
Diversity quota hires decrease societal progress. Prove me wrong.
Is she fucking bald or what?
I understand that, but food also smokes and can burn with electric heat. And thawing foods or boiling water also releases water vapor.
You can replace just the fan motors without replacing the entire bathroom fan assembly. Just make sure to connect the exhaust output to the roof vents in your attic. I assume they are a BROAN or similar fan design.
What? Richard Gere is gay?
I'm starting to wonder if there shouldn't be some sort of a > solution that is final for all of these loony marxists.
Fuck 'em
Just the other day I mentioned that it seemed like a false flag attack would be mighty ripe. I forget what in response to, but it was some recent news or maybe something House of Representatives related.
Not all that long ago, Natural Gas was commonly known to be the cleanest burning fuel on earth. Now it's literally Hitler in a different phase state.
Where were they venting the bathroom fans, just into the walls? LOL. I've seen that.
Why does it NEED a hood? Not all hoods are even plumbed to the exterior of the home, a lot of them simply recirculate the exhaust right back into the room.
You would think that all of these people who are fed up with their work and employers sucking the life out of them for barely enough to buy scraps would be more in-line with an AMERICA FIRST agenda presidency like Trump. But they vote for more globalism which doesn't make sense, and globalism has always been the bane of our society and workforce! I really don't see the Democrats "rewarding" these people much at all, so I'm not sure what their incentive is to continue shilling for Democrat Globalists. They certainly don't appear to have much of a financial incentive to do so, so, what's the incentive for them really??
Amy Coney Barrett is on house arrest just for one example. They are fake news like no other.