LGBrandon2024 1 point ago +1 / -0

By asking normal or meat, they are stigmatizing anyone who prefers meat. Simply put the way the question is phrased/asked makes it sound like choosing meat is NOT normal therefore pressuring those who prefer meat into selecting the non meat/"normal" option. If they are using plants and not putting meat on the Whoppers then I expect the price of the Whopper sandwich to be significantly cheaper - like $1.00 and not the $5.00 they are charging for a MEAT whopper now.

LGBrandon2024 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hunter is a dumbass. His only thought when taking the laptop to the computer repair guy was "can he fix it". Hunter did not give any thought as to the incriminating things on the laptop (especially if he was using). Hunter hopes the computer guy can fix the computer, but doesn't realize the computer guy will be able to see "images" on the laptop. Typical dumb criminal behavior, not thinking further down the road than the current emergency.

LGBrandon2024 7 points ago +7 / -0

They knew what they were doing. Knew the camera view, approached the GS from the far side so the camera wouldn't pick them up placing the explosives. That's why they chose that particular part of the monument so as not to be seen.

LGBrandon2024 1 point ago +1 / -0

There are more farmers, truck drivers, and fishermen (with guns) than police and military. The Dutch govt may need to reassess .......or else.

LGBrandon2024 1 point ago +1 / -0

Definitely not a good idea. Off topic, anyone see the video of what your iphone does when you look at the screen with a camera in infrared mode? The phone takes pictures of the user every 6-8 seconds. No idea what it is doing with the photos it is taking, its not storing them on the phone as far as anyone can determine.

LGBrandon2024 2 points ago +2 / -0

Locals reported an explosion of some sort around 4am this morning. No reports of an earthquake.

by broward
LGBrandon2024 2 points ago +2 / -0

great photoshop job!

LGBrandon2024 1 point ago +1 / -0

As long as there is no record of Trump flying on the Lolita Express or going to Epstein's island. Ive seen old/dated videos of large, formal functions wherein both Trump and Epstein were present, but there is no context as to whether it is at a Trump, Epstein, or neutral function. I haven't seen any recent videos (within the last 25 yrs+) which show Trump and Epstein together. None of the dated videos have children or "young" looking girls in them. Probably why the DEMONkrats havent said anything about them.

LGBrandon2024 2 points ago +2 / -0

So if Sipher is telling the truth and is complicit in perpetrating this act, why is coming out and admitting it as well as stating "they will do it again"? Doesn't make sense. There is nothing to gain. Without an explanation for the aforementioned, looks and smells like it could be more "disinformation".

LGBrandon2024 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is amazing how the MSM protrays him as a "poliitcal pawn" and being "wrongfully detained". Brit got caught (not allegedly, but for real) smuggling illegal drugs into Russia. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time - dumbass! The Yeti gets what he deserves, all 10 years hopefully. On the bright side Brit will be able to add some interesting, unique, "one of a kind" tattoos to his already defaced body. Do svidaniya comrade!

LGBrandon2024 3 points ago +3 / -0

" The Russian Federation has wrongfully detained Ms. Griner,’" I'm calling BS on this recurrent theme of him being a political pawn and worngfully detained. Brit did the crime. She/he attempted to smuggle illegal drugs through Russian security. She/he got caught. Dont do the crime, if you cant do the time.

LGBrandon2024 1 point ago +1 / -0

Did they seize those properties?

LGBrandon2024 1 point ago +1 / -0

Uncle Ted for President 2024 !

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