Have you ever seen what it looks like when a person has been shot in the head?
Cerebrospinal fluid(CSF) is pink.
Jordan hasnt had a vote. The 15 votes for Kevin was in the full House, not conference that Jim won in two "votes".
Western Pacific Research. Abernathy.
Havent seen a post on this.... or maybe I missed it. It seemed like Wood was one of DJT biggest defenders. Disappointing if this turns out to be true.
Why do you think there was quotations around reality?
The networks have shelves full of content that was produced in anticipation of strikes. Also watch the pivot to all "reality" based tv.
The networks and studios probably have at least a year of releases that have been held back just for this time.
Yeah!! What the heck!! We should have taken more care to protect them from exposure of their corruption. Whats the world of truth coming to?
Most famous VPN? Among who? Ive never heard of it.
Hopefully this will be the only "GOP" candidate to pull this shit.
Inquiring doesnt amount to shit. They was an inquiry.. a firearm sale can be canceled or gun not delivered.
You can buy 10 long guns... and they have a single inquiry. The 4473 details how many, manufacturer, model, SN and caliber. NONE of that is transmitted to ATF. That is retained by the FFL on the 4473 hard copy. They have to physically go get the forms to see what was dispersed. They could also swize the FFL A&D bound book and get the same info.
Wrong. 4473's stay with FFL. The gun pedigree info is on there... that info IS NOT transmitted to ATF. In some states(CA) they have that info recorded in the DROS and submitted to the state.
In order for US govt to know what guns you purchased, they have to seize the 4473 forms.
If its a few pounds, find a fire-resistant document safe. They can have an hour fire rating and you want it to be waterproof(when there is a fire.... there will be a ton of water) you can put it in an attic and finish over it. Id recommend putting it over a closet or some area small. This will be least likely and area that firefighters will pull ceiling in the event of a fire. But it also affords you an area within the house you can pull the ceilibg to access it, without having to get in the attic to retrieve it.
I'd love to see the report or news stories of cops and firefighters fighting over who gets the safe.
Other pay could be non-pensionable payments. Education or fitness incentives. Certain departments total compensation is bullshit. If they are self insured... they can claim health benefits cost whatever they want to say. So they often inflate those numbers to show better "compensation". Example... say health benefits really only cost $250/mo.... dept will say it costs $1000. That will show up as "pay".
Well, since this was a CA article.... I know of ZERO departments in CA that have "trauma days". I have had multiple multiple alarm fires in a shift and didnt get a paid day off from it. After 2 week assignments, one may possibly get an R&R day on return. But rarely does that happen now-a-days. TX sounds cool.
Firefighters in CA work 24 or 48 hour shifts. 56 hour work week. Most FDs have 3 shifts. They work 4 solid months at a station per year.
Overtime for his regular days off. No OT for a regular duty day. But it is called Portal to Portal. Depending on assignment and FD, it could be Pillow to Pillow.
Depends on the MOU for the dept and city/county. Most FD has salary Assistant/Deputy and Fire Chiefs. Below them typically is OT eligible.
Most get paid OT when worked over their scheduled hours. You wouldnt have any FD in CA if there was not paid OT. You expect a person to be kept on-duty on their earned day(s) off for free? You work for free? No sleep, lucky enough to see the most vile things humans can do...... for free?
Not impossible to happen. Top guy... his overtime rate is roughly $90/hour? 56 hour work week. Work approx 122 days/year. That leaves about 244 days available for OT. At $400k thats 4444 hours worked. Roughly 185 days. Reminder: most firefighters work 24 or 48 hour shifts.. not 8-5. It is entirely possible that guy worked 307 of 365 days that year. If a spot is vacant(and LA City and LACoFD has a lot of openings) someone has to work it... be it voluntarily or then forced.
I like how they are all bad quality. Half look like shit photoshops
Need to get them eyes checked, buddy.
Wow.. such an intellectual! Squirrels and humans are almost 100% the same in every way! Sorry for questioning your vast knowledge. I guess I cannot believe my own eyes and 20+ years of experience... I'll move on. You got this one bro.