Blackberry brandy and honey was my Mom's goto for our coughs and colds... 50's-60's
I'm 71, also and have been awake since 1963 and JFK. I can still remember watching the news with my Dad.
Remember Cuba, too. Used to have a box of "necessities" under my bed... early version of a bug out bag.
AI... look at the hand placement
Put the tent in the shed or the shed in the tent?
What about the prior 10 years?
and 1000+ children disappeared
Is there an equivalent to Q in Russia, maybe "A"? The take down of the deep state and evil is supposed to be worldwide, it only makes sense that other people of the world would have the same guidance and hope that we have been given thru Q.
Sorry it took so long to reply, I was away.
I'm 71yo now, way back when, I had to special order the root , wash it , dry it, powder it, and put it in capsules.
I was surprised to see so many options on line. So... maybe look for highest potency and mostly or all root.
Black cohosh, decrease sugar and dairy intake, took about three cycles to totally eliminate the pain for me.
I always thought ((( ))) means a hug or affirmative
Is this AI, his eyes seem to move more than normal?
I agree. Also, why is the blood on his neck bright red- fresh, and the blood on his face looks brown- dry? And the blood on a "hot" metal roof is red and not brown?
"FJB life is in danger"
Their only hope is:
- died suddenly,
- died peacefully in his sleep, or
- stoke. "They" are probably already discussing which would be best option.
We lost three kitties within 10 days of having rabies shots. After losing the first two, the vet convinced us that they must have had an underlying conditions that caused their deaths. After the third death, we no longer got any of our "babies" vaxxed. That was over 20 years ago.
Most of our cats live to ripe old ages, currently have a 23 and a 20 year olds, plus 10 others, none vaxxed.
Maybe try killing more birds with one stone...You need space, wife needs space, youngest needs kid attention, oldest needs teenage attention, grandma needs attention/help.
Plan a couple hours a week at grandma's house with youngest. Grandma and youngest can make memories... bake cookies, plant flowers, play games, sewing, etc. What hobbies does Grandma have? While they are busy you can have a little alone time doing the odd jobs mothers usually have... cut grass, clean basement, clean garage, repair leaky faucet, etc. Plan your days at Mom's to coincide with the days your wife and eldest's favorite shows are on. Teen needs "girl time" with wife, growing up is hard. And you can spend the time "working" but enjoying the peace. And Grandma will be happy.
Just stop the freebees
Maybe they should try browsing thru section 900.
Not Biden... look at that attached ear.
Nix on 2b... get a job, turn yourself in, and get a free pass... they will figure this out in two seconds.
The tares are being pulled up so the wheat can be harvested.
Looks like whitewashed alleys.
Maybe Lindsey Williams?
Our southern border is open... send them all here. Four million whites, bet the border would close really fast.
J D and Byron would make a formidable team for 2028