LawDoc 1 point ago +1 / -0

Welcome to the unknown OP. We're glad to have you!

LawDoc 5 points ago +5 / -0

Right, however "they" don't "think" it is anything. They deliberately made up another fake "virus", because there's no such thing as viruses to begin with. All they did was string together strands of dead tissue DNA in silico, to create a fake nothing.

LawDoc 3 points ago +3 / -0

Dang, you beat me to it...hahaha. I know she's happily married. But if she were back on the market for whatever reason, I'd definitely look her up! I love her too!

LawDoc 2 points ago +2 / -0

I like the "SixthSense" Bitchute channel as an aggregator channel - especially for gathering the best info about the scamdemic. He/She doesn't produce original content but I still find the collection invaluable. https://www.bitchute.com/channel/z2NPZI4v4VDN/

LawDoc 11 points ago +11 / -0

Boycotted them over two years ago. But local at every opportunity!

by BQnita
LawDoc 2 points ago +2 / -0

The only way duality can exist is by inverting true reality.

LawDoc 5 points ago +5 / -0

Agreed, it is strange she hasn't been seen much, if at all. Unless.........

LawDoc 1 point ago +1 / -0

Here's an eye-opening interview from a US doctor, Dr. Bryan Ardis, talking to Reiner Fullmich. If this doesn't cause them to pause and re-consider their position, I'm not sure what else would. https://www.bitchute.com/video/jv3GSOcoIGCP/

LawDoc 3 points ago +3 / -0

I dated a med school student for 2 years and hung out with her fellow students throughout. She had a good heart and a handful of others seemed like they were going into medicine to be genuine "healers" and help their fellow man.

But the majority were unquestionably in it for the money only. Five men in the group suckled the teet of their full-time working girlfriend/fiance/wife all through residency, only to later divorce them for a hotter, younger wife within a few years of finally becoming employed.

One of those five was a straight up sociopath who did some of the craziest things I've ever seen/heard of in my life. Drunk frat boys had nothing on this guy. He always just laughed off his insane actions and let everyone around him know that they were too uptight. As far as I'm aware, he's still a practicing MD.

I was in a fraternity for 2 years as well and saw more than my fair share of outrageously idiotic behavior along the way. Many in this group of med students were crazier in every respect.

I never forgot those two years and regularly thought to myself, if these are our future doctors, we're in for big problems in the future. As such, haven't been to a doctor my entire adult life.

And don't get me wrong, I'm quite sure there are plenty of great doctors out there who are kind, caring, compassionate people. I know a few and they seem like good people all around.

But I'm also aware that are some bad apples out there who really couldn't care less about their patient's health and completely lack any sense of compassion or empathy. And perhaps even worse, basic critical thinking skills. Their blind obedience in authority (medical establishment) always causes me to pause and steer clear.

Perhaps those that I knew have mended their ways and grown up. I know I have so it's certainly a possibility. Always remain hopeful!

All that being said, I've found that the best litmus test for any allopathic physician is to get a feel for what they think of alternative, natural therapies and/or finding out what their awareness is of positions counter to their mandated "standard of care". The more they discount alternative therapies and demean counter hypothesis in favor of their petrochemical-pharma fixes, the faster I would run away.

Lastly, I have no doubt that the "system" of educating and training our mainstream physicians is severely broken in every way possible. These med students get overworked and over-stressed for a minimum of 8-years - some of the best years of their lives (22-30). There's no doubt in my mind that this leads to a whole host of psychological issues both during and after this period.

LawDoc 21 points ago +21 / -0

Indeed, well said!

LawDoc 1 point ago +12 / -11

Only the people who haven't researched the topic still believe in the globe/sphere/oblate-spheroid nonsense.

Sadly, Google/YouTube and many other platforms have coordinated to provide 100% propaganda results on a flat earth search so as to discredit the real researchers. Surprise surprise! "The Flat Earth Society" is the top Google result and it's mostly propaganda. No legitimate researcher believes most of their stuff. It's just another disinformation portal.

Ask yourself why:

  1. Google/YouTube algos never display any of the legit flat earther content, but instead, their carefully curated disinfo videos and search results?
  2. Google/YouTube is forced to post the pathetic Wikipedia disinfo link under all the legit flat earth videos?
  3. They've taken down Eric Dubay's YT channels 3 times in the past 5 years without providing a reason?
  4. David Weiss' "Flat Earth, Moon & Zodiac Clock" is one of the most popular paid apps in the Google Play store. -> https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.flatearthsun&hl=en_US&gl=US
  5. David Weiss is offering 2 bitcoins (~$80K) for indisputable proof of the globe earth and nobody has claimed the reward?

We live on a stationary, non-rotating plane. It's obvious. Your senses aren't lying to you. The ESTABLISHMENT is!

LawDoc 3 points ago +3 / -0

Q. Which are the last two nations to throw them out?

A. 1. Italy (Mussolini) 2. Germany (Hitler)


LawDoc 4 points ago +4 / -0

Surprising that WAPO and CNBC published this information. I guess their thinking is this will lessen the push-back on selling the normies on future lockdowns and mask mandates. However, it could also cause quite a backlash.

Looks like a desperate and risky gambit by the propagandists!

LawDoc 12 points ago +12 / -0

The decline in polio cases was the banning of first the "lead-arsenate" pesticide in the 1930s, later followed by the banning of DDT in the 1960s.

Both pesticides caused severe mutation and damage to primarily growing children's spinal cords. Each resulted in clear and unique scarring damage as well.

Researchers have also demonstrated that the majority of polio cases in children occurred in the late summer and early autumn months (August - October). This is the season of harvest in North America when the fresh fruits and vegetables are most often being eaten in quantity.

LawDoc 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've been continually surprised the past 6 months that this doesn't attract more awareness and debate. I've seen probably a dozen different theories as to why this might be happening, each with its own merits but none fully compelling.

The theory I think most likely is that both the FED and the banks are squaring their books when they're "temporarily" holding the treasuries to generate the appearance that each are holding the right balance of bonds versus cash.

In short, re-hypothecation.

But I'm open to other theories as I'm not fully sold on this one. Why to you think it's happening?

LawDoc 8 points ago +8 / -0

This actually happened on some back country roads leading to his house, a few miles away if memory serves. It was basically an attempted kidnapping.

LawDoc 4 points ago +4 / -0

Gab and Brighteon are the only platforms where this doesn't occur. Even Bitchute isn't entirely immune. As I understand, Rumble has some significantly stricter "rules", similar to standard SM platforms.

LawDoc 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's a good question.

The microzyma transforms into whatever bacterial form is required for the task. Daily, they are literally eating all the dead internal cells that have been decayed, not unlike the dead skin on your outer skin. Additionally, there are various forms that digest the various foods that you eat in your gut "biome". Likewise, when a lifeform dies, say a squirrel in your yard, the microzyma then all transform to eat all the soft tissues of the body.

Hopefully that makes sense to you. In other words, you don't need to "get" special bacteria "out there" to perform the task at hand. And it's not like there are all these bacteria just floating around in your back yard waiting for something to die so they can decompose it.

The microzyma/somatid is always available, awaiting the next task needed.

There are a number of causes of what our establishment medicine calls "dis-ease". The majority of alternative healthcare practitioners out there chalk up the majority of this to poor nutrition and toxicity. I believe they are wrong, but that opens up a whole new topic I won't discuss with you today. Suffice it to say, I do agree with this, to an extent, for the common cold and flu type "dis-eases". However, I think these two have more to do with a person not getting outdoors enough, fresh air, interaction with nature, etc. All these activities act to detox. That's why these dis-eases happen in colder months, when people don't get outside enough.

Briefly, most dis-ease is psychosomatic in origin. Without explaining in great detail, when a "conflict shock" occurs in one's psyche, said microzyma go into action to PROTECT the body from what I'll call a primordial "perceived threat". Typically, this results in the BUILD-UP of excess tissue. The simplest example is lung cancer, which is the same exact thing as what they used to call "tuberculosis". This is caused by a lasting psychological "fear of death" conflict shock. When this occurs, the mircozyma actually create brand new lung aveoli in order to increase the amount of oxygen uptake. It's the psyche's primordial response to fearing death - more oxygen.

A "scare event" conflict shock is shorter in duration. So because it's not a long duration psychological turmoil, less time has elapsed in the creation of excess lung aveoli. The unwinding of a "scare event" is known by modern medicine as "pneumonia".

Hopefully that all makes sense. In short, scares, frights and fear of death lead to the microzyma immediately assisting with oxygen uptake. They don't have any sense of "time" or "future". They act immediately and take this psychological turmoil literally. As a lack of oxygen is the fastest way the organism can die.

Now, without further ado, onto your question. Once these "conflict shocks" are resolved in the psyche, the micorzyma then go into action to REVERSE this process of maintaining excess lung aveoli (which takes extra work and energy from the body, BTW). It is this "reversal process" that modern medicine deems "dis-ease". Which is, in fact, a return to balance/homeostasis.

Depending on the duration and intensity of the "conflict shock", this reversal process can be mild, to outright debilitating as again, the microzyma aren't aware of "time". This process is actually a "healing", as the mircozyma destroy the excess lung aveoli. However, it is called "dis-ease" and efforts are then made by modern medical practioners to deter or end this healing process with things like anti-biotics (against-life). In short, the anti-biotic short-circuits the healing process.

BTW, said "healing process" can be likened to "putrefecation" if you will. All kinds of gunk, fluid, waste-material, decayed tissue, blood etc. are generated and thus produce tremendous amounts of mucous, urine, diarrhea, etc. as the excess lung tissue is destroyed.

The introduction of the anti-biotic short-circuits this process that would have worked itself out quite naturally if left alone. Instead, the full healing process is never reached, leaving the person weaker, more vulnerable and more susceptible (in the lungs in this case) to future dis-ease.

In short, what would have occurred naturally, a few days, possibly weeks later, depending on severity, never occurs. The anti-biotic destroyed the tuberculin or pneumonia bacteria. Now the person is left with "lumps/chunks" of dead tissue in their lungs that would have otherwise been removed.

However, you do "feel better" SOONER as the full healing process wasn't allowed to proceed to completion. And in this society, that's what really matters - right? When can I get back to work/daily-life!!! Just give me a pill doc!

It's worth noting that in severe cases, within an already unhealthy, and weakened individual, the activity of the microzyma may sap what little energy/health is available and actually result in death of the individual. Typically this would be the case in the aged population, and/or someone with multiple co-morbidities already.

Thus, anti-biotics short-circuit the healing process, enabling you to "get back to normal" sooner, by kicking the can down the road, weakening your body and causing it to be more vulnerable to future dis-ease.

In a nutshell, the body ALWAYS heals itself when left to its own devices (assuming a non-life threatening event of course). There never has been, nor never will be a "pill" that could ever "assist" said process. As all healing occurs in water, the remedy is almost always drinking tons of fluids and resting. As the healing process also uses a lot of protein, eating more protein-rich foods during this process also greatly assists the body.

Hopefully that all makes sense.

by Restore
LawDoc 1 point ago +1 / -0

Einstein was a fraud...just sayin...

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