Learna_Trade 1 point ago +1 / -0

Spitting image - but more like his great-grandmother. She was long past menopause when he was born.

Learna_Trade 5 points ago +5 / -0

Oops! The globalists didn’t mean to upset the Muslims. They forgot Jesus is one of their revered prophets. I wonder who will get an abject apology….

Learna_Trade 3 points ago +3 / -0

Etsy currently has hundreds of product listings featuring the iconic image. There were lots of t-shirts listed by July 14th and they have since multiplied. I’ll keep an eye on it and see if the fist listings suddenly disappear.

Learna_Trade 2 points ago +2 / -0

Tolkien actually denied LOTR was an allegory for any modern event. The story is so universal and contains so many human architypes that it resonates with human events of many eras. I suppose that when it was published in the 1950s it would have been hard not to see parallels to WWII, that being the latest human catastrophe/drama at the time….

Learna_Trade 4 points ago +4 / -0

I like your character parallels with the current political scene. Our world has no shortage of orcs. I sometimes think about who the ents might be…the Amish perhaps? How about the ghost warriors? I’d sure love to be able bring to back all the soldiers who died in the wars of the 20th century….

Anyway, my husband and I are major longtime LOTR fans. I’ve listened to the trilogy on audiobook twice on recent years and we’ve watched the movies multiple times. My son is also a huge fan and has now introduced his girlfriend to the films. She loved them — one of the ways we know she’s a keeper.

Learna_Trade 3 points ago +3 / -0

Some of us sat in our homes because everything was closed. I had actually longed to be able to work from home throughout my entire career, fighting hateful traffic, balancing making a living with raising kids, giving my all to give them a quality life, living on 4 hours per night sleep. For years I longed only for time and breathing space to write and do art. I also dreamed of living in the mountains. Suddenly one day, shortly after my kids were grown, I suddenly found myself working from home and have done so ever since.

The company tried to get workers to come back to the office. They set ultimatums, they cajoled, they threatened—and the workers simply….didn’t. It’s a software company and the developers got comfy not driving to the office. The young ones with pandemic babies literally couldn’t imagine going somewhere else to do stuff they already did at home and having to pay someone else to watch their kids.

My artwork is developing nicely. My husband got a job that enabled him to work from home too. In Sept 2020 we sold our house just as house prices soared. We bought a very old house in a rural mountain area. There was literally nowhere to go except the grocery store.

I am only sorry my wishes came true at such a cost of suffering to the world and from so evil a source. In my case, what they wished for evil, God used for good. I noticed that they could never have staged a pandemic without Zoom. In 2020 it seems like Zoom tech had only recently reached a mature enough stage to be accessible to the masses. Otherwise, I think we’d have had a “life threatening” pandemic sooner than 2020.

Learna_Trade 1 point ago +1 / -0

Scott Greer misrepresented the Supreme Court decision but other than that, the post is pretty accurate.

Learna_Trade 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was wondering that too since the word Springfield immediately calls The Simpsons to mind. I always wondered why they chose that name for their town setting.

Learna_Trade 4 points ago +5 / -1

Had to keep checking to make sure I wasn’t the Babylon Bee. As far as I can discern, through the fog of nonsensical language, the conclusion that the answer is not to help people make better decisions but rather to keep people with “white privilege” from making good ones…

Learna_Trade 6 points ago +6 / -0

Husband argues that if it were a fake Biden they would have chosen a better smarter actor. White hats in control answers that argument. The pieces of the puzzle are clicking into place.

Learna_Trade 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you for the excellent and well-written explanation.

Learna_Trade 1 point ago +1 / -0

Old saying: Hoisted by their own petard. Comes from Shakespeare/Hamlet.

Learna_Trade 2 points ago +2 / -0

In the end, the likely scenario is we are going to have to go to farmers markets and growing our own.

Learna_Trade 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you. There are are couple products I’ll have to give up—and I’m more than happy to do so.

Learna_Trade 2 points ago +2 / -0

All Patriots should stay as far away from DC as possible for all of 2024. If there is a “violent uprising” let there be no one to arrest except government agents and paid actors. And leftists who are guaranteed to act as they usually do.

Learna_Trade 4 points ago +4 / -0

I was born in DC, grew up in the Maryland burbs of DC, and lived most of my adult life in southern and southwestern Virginia. Maryland is probably a little swampier than Virginia, if you don’t count NoVA. VA just has a larger area outside the gravitational orbit of DC. Both are naturally beautiful states. Maybe someday they will both be freed from the swamp.

Learna_Trade 7 points ago +7 / -0

Voted in Virginia. Rural southwestern part of state. Each voter was asked for ID and asked if we wanted an R or D ballot. Saw only R tickets on table where you received your ballot.

Learna_Trade 12 points ago +12 / -0

I am in a position to understand the agony. I got nerve damage to my hand from the rough and repeated ER procedures to fix a dislocated shoulder. For several months it was constant agony, like I was repeatedly getting electrocuted. It was like torture in hell, with my arm and hand constantly feeling on fire.

Eventually my pain did lessen to a dull pressure, as it is right now. Two years later, my left hand is partially paralyzed but I am grateful that the pain is now comparatively minimal. The doctors did a lot of painful tests and strung me along as if the testing would lead to a cure. As far as I can tell, the medical establishment has no real answers for severe nerve pain. God or nature may have a cure, but the doctors do not. I stopped going to them as I only get tests and the runaround. I will not let them “try” surgery. If they only half fix the nerve problem, the pain will return.

Opiates do help, but the doctors are very resistant to prescribing them. If you ask for opiates, you are treated coldly, like an addict trying to game the system. Anyway, living on opiates is not a real life - sort of a dream life. Still, when in extreme pain, opiates feel like an oasis in the midst of hell. If Pharma is knowingly inflicting this torture on people…well I hear from NDE accounts that in the next life you get to feel the way you made others feel. For each person you harmed. There will be justice. However, until you have experienced this kind of physical pain, it’s hard to imagine what it’s like.

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