Thank you for the excellent and well-written explanation.
Old saying: Hoisted by their own petard. Comes from Shakespeare/Hamlet.
The jawline looks different. And also the shape of the nose.
In the end, the likely scenario is we are going to have to go to farmers markets and growing our own.
Thank you. There are are couple products I’ll have to give up—and I’m more than happy to do so.
Excellent idea!
All Patriots should stay as far away from DC as possible for all of 2024. If there is a “violent uprising” let there be no one to arrest except government agents and paid actors. And leftists who are guaranteed to act as they usually do.
One small step for Congress…one lousy inch for America. Still, at a tiny cut is better than a huge increase. Now do the IRS.
I was born in DC, grew up in the Maryland burbs of DC, and lived most of my adult life in southern and southwestern Virginia. Maryland is probably a little swampier than Virginia, if you don’t count NoVA. VA just has a larger area outside the gravitational orbit of DC. Both are naturally beautiful states. Maybe someday they will both be freed from the swamp.
Voted in Virginia. Rural southwestern part of state. Each voter was asked for ID and asked if we wanted an R or D ballot. Saw only R tickets on table where you received your ballot.
Will look into that. Thank you.
Did that for better part of a year. It helped. Don’t know how I’d have gotten through it without it!
I am in a position to understand the agony. I got nerve damage to my hand from the rough and repeated ER procedures to fix a dislocated shoulder. For several months it was constant agony, like I was repeatedly getting electrocuted. It was like torture in hell, with my arm and hand constantly feeling on fire.
Eventually my pain did lessen to a dull pressure, as it is right now. Two years later, my left hand is partially paralyzed but I am grateful that the pain is now comparatively minimal. The doctors did a lot of painful tests and strung me along as if the testing would lead to a cure. As far as I can tell, the medical establishment has no real answers for severe nerve pain. God or nature may have a cure, but the doctors do not. I stopped going to them as I only get tests and the runaround. I will not let them “try” surgery. If they only half fix the nerve problem, the pain will return.
Opiates do help, but the doctors are very resistant to prescribing them. If you ask for opiates, you are treated coldly, like an addict trying to game the system. Anyway, living on opiates is not a real life - sort of a dream life. Still, when in extreme pain, opiates feel like an oasis in the midst of hell. If Pharma is knowingly inflicting this torture on people…well I hear from NDE accounts that in the next life you get to feel the way you made others feel. For each person you harmed. There will be justice. However, until you have experienced this kind of physical pain, it’s hard to imagine what it’s like.
Loudest laugh of the day! And GAW has made me laugh a lot today.😂😂😂
Best idea coming out of DC I’ve heard in a long time. But I agree with the anon who said it should be “instead of” rather than “with.”
Based on the 1955 novel by Vladimir Nabokov. Guy marries the mother of a 12-year old girl named Dolores. His nickname for her is Lolita. Mom reads her husband’s journal and finds out he only married her to get to the girl. Distraught, she runs into traffic, gets hit by a car, and dies. Pedophile runs off with the girl, passing her off as his daughter. Eventually he tires of her as he is not attracted to anyone over the age of 14. Very disturbing book.
The division of people into “agentic” and “communal” rubs me the wrong way. I, for example, am very nurturing and caring. I am not into control or power. Yet I was perfectly able to see through the fearmongering “messaging” and had no trouble not complying. I feel that standing up against deception that destroys lives is a very caring way to live one’s life.
I feel you and I also feel your children. They are seeking a higher purpose in life—at least higher than the gerbil wheel for pay pellets. Your daughter is a beautiful soul who wants to be loved and respected. I’m guessing she found work cold, probably mean, and made her feel de-humanized. I know exactly how she feels because I was once just like her. She is right. However, I was also in survival mode and didn’t have parents that I could move in with. It was either work in the world as I found it or live under a bridge.
Perhaps you could encourage them both to start a small business doing something they love, even if it won’t make them rich anytime soon. Gently tell them you know the way the world works is not ideal but we have to play the cards we are dealt.
I also have two adult children. My oldest tried real hard to fit into the work world. Literally worked 60-80 hours a week his whole short adult life. Got stressed. He also had adult ADD and tried to self medicate. He is now in the spiritual world. Other son, after 2 years of being in grief for his brother, went to community college to learn a trade and is now employed as a welder. He’s doing ok but if he decided to move back in to re-evaluate, go back to school, read books, play music, or raise goats, I’d be glad I can offer him a place to be. A home and a bit of property is what my husband and I earned for a lifetime of corporate slavery. If I can pass to my son a little bit of freedom from being absolutely beholden to a job just to pay bills and taxes, I am grateful.
I think your kids will find their way. I’ve heard worse stories of how people got their kids back after sending them to college. Sounds like your children are good human beings, and to me, that is a treasure.
I hope Catturd is wrong for once in his 9 lives. But he’s probably not wrong.
The questions didn’t sound to me like “badgering.” The questions seemed simple and straightforward.
Well, I mean, what kind of people would attend a Hillary event? Now this guy is fantastic - perhaps a red-pilled Dem? I love the passion in his voice.
I’m part 4, 5, and 6 depending on what day it is. We better get as many people to stage 6 and quickly as possible. Stage 6-ers don’t participate in World Wars.
Husband argues that if it were a fake Biden they would have chosen a better smarter actor. White hats in control answers that argument. The pieces of the puzzle are clicking into place.