They should call it the Kyle Rittenhouse bill.
We need to make sure people cannot defend themselves, protect each other or their properties, and if anyone attempts to do so, or even trains for the defense of one’s self, neighbors, or property, they will be fined, jailed or both.
My neighbor and I went to the range. I went for a walk, with my dog, while carrying a firearm. I am a veteran, and teach my children firearm safety. These activities all sound like they may qualify under this rubbish.
For the record, I would also be very interested in hearing about the arterial root-rooter treatment.
cant unsee this. i feel so dirty just seeing this, YUK!!!!!
NC has open carry, and a shit governor.
Gotta make sure both sides have enough money to keep the war going until the election
I walk about 5k every morning before the sun comes up, with a pistol in my waist band (not for the weight)
Reading about increasing my walking speed, the best advice I found was increasing steps per minute. My initial assumption was that stride length was more important.
I usually listen to podcasts (RealAF) and I didn’t have to worry about matching beats, or finding a click track. I got a metronome app that would let me play my podcast, and adjust the volume of the taps relative to the podcast. It should work with audiobooks too, if that’s your jam. I worked my way up to 140 bpm which keeps me at about a 15 minute mile.
I do ruck sometimes too (35lb backpack) but I have to lower my bpm.
The term is hackle bearer, but that’s not what’s in the script.
He did say huckleberry.
I don’t use TS much in this context, but would the browser’s ‘<ctrl>f’ “find” function be useful?
Open carry is still banned in 5 states. They are the usual suspects CA, IL, NJ, NY, and ironically my state, Florida. We do, I believe, as of today, allow concealed carry without a permit, but WTF Florida? Open carry, in public places, should be constitutionally protected everywhere IMHO.
To be fair, “Threaten the employees” != “boycotting”
I’ve seen no evidence of threatening employees from the right though, so he must be calling the democrats, who are pissed at Target caving, and reacting violently, the terrorists. Sounds fair.
We don’t like what you stand for, so we won’t buy your shit.
You better sell shit that promotes our agenda, or we’ll burn you to the ground.
Only one of those sounds even mildly terroristic to me.
Not to mention the fact that it was reported as having fallen just minutes before it actually fell.
Now we know to use she/her when addressing him. Haha! How do they make a video about this, and not even do the thing that they’re trying to suggest?
“This helped inform the provider in asking follow-up questions with Sam and HIS parent during the clinical visit.”
The last mass shooting event that crossed state lines? All of the mass shooters seem to be a scoche leftish.
Research everything before you start making any changes. That being said, I like this list. It includes everything I was going to list, plus a few extra things, that I am now going to research.
Pay attention to the different types of niacin. Some forms can have adverse affects if taken regularly, in larger doses. The form I use, has the potentially undesirable side affect of “flushing” and is potentially scary if not expected. I believe it opens the capillaries, and brings more blood closer to the surface of the skin. The flush, IMHO, is not that bad. Feels/looks like a mild sunburn for an hour or so. I once had a neighbor, go to the emergency room after taking niacin, thinking she was having an allergic reaction.
In addition, as many people have suggested, eat clean, unprocessed foods that contain additional benefits, like fiber. Stay physically active. Learn about fasting.
I think I see the pattern. Is it Josh, John, Mary?
I’m ready for the downvotes, but I feel this is far from definitive.
Murdoch,and Fox News will pump up anything that they think may interfere with DJT. Blue arrows by themselves aren’t really an indictment of Desantis.
I didn’t research FoxNews ownership, but the green arrows probably don’t surprise anyone. BlackRock owns some amount of every publicly traded entity in the market.
Finally the Red arrows represent Murdoch putting money in and Desantis taking money out of BlackRock. This seems mildly deceptive since these are opposite, but represented similarly.
“Florida said Thursday it has begun to divest $2 billion in funds overseen by BlackRock”. This sounds like a good start, rather than a reason not to trust him.
I am ready to stand with you today, if he announces he is going to try to run against DJT, but nothing presented here surprises me, or makes me think he’s a Trojan Horse. I feel that he has been great for Florida, and am happy to have him as a governor.
To be honest, I think that a Trump/Desantis ticket, would be unstoppable, and we would see how quickly MSM would turn on him.
If we change where the spaces are, we get very different results: “balen ci aga” -> “act like a whale” “balenci aga” -> “do the work” “balen ciaga” -> “whale shark”
I suspect that Russia may have been involved, in preventing the cheating that was supposed to occur, and caught them off guard. This has been a gut feeling for a long time, and possibly the reason Hillary pushed so hard with Russian collusion narrative. It also plays nicely with the whole “Ball’s in your court” gesture.
Remember, I’ve got to sell this, otherwise it’s going to sit in my shop through the next election cycle. Would you mind if we bring in an expert to take a look at this?
I heard he’s the colonel of the motherfuckin’ tank. Y’all after big thangs, he’s after big bank.
I respect Republicans who say “I don’t like it, but there’s nothing I can do” I don’t respect Republicans who want to see me held accountable for crimes.
I think he could improve his marketing campaign if he switched to “vaccine free” and maybe we could bump the price for having never received a Covid test, PCR, or otherwise.
Can we count “the FED”? If so, they are definitely in my top 3.
Thorium is supposedly abundant in a lot of places. There are allegedly single mines in the US that discard enough to power the entire country. It is a different type of nuclear reactor though. LFTR (lifter) or Liquid Flouride Thorium Reactor was apparently beat out by competing technologies, because it didn’t have the potential for weaponization. I don’t think there are currently any active thorium reactors in any country. Cheap abundant power like that could change the world. (Or galaxy if we could do it in space)