LessSwampMoreMAGA 1 point ago +1 / -0

We are now 12 days into this and I'm still seeing theories of what COULD be hazardous. It's not that hard to test the air and water around the site and the proposed areas it's effecting. A couple hundred dollars for expedited analysis.

Here is an example of pyrolysis and combustion products of poly(vinyl chloride) https://tsapps.nist.gov/publication/get_pdf.cfm?pub_id=106993

Yes Dioxane is on there as a pyrolysis product (absence of oxygen) but not as a combustion.

I'm ready to see some numbers and not just theories.

LessSwampMoreMAGA 3 points ago +3 / -0

I dont trust that it will stay live. I saved the link to a jan 6th video a while back and now get a video does not exist page.

Probably 10-20% of the saved links i have from this site from pre 2021 are gone.

LessSwampMoreMAGA 3 points ago +3 / -0

Anyone know how to save videos off rumble? This is the kind of thing i want to show my kids when they’re older.

LessSwampMoreMAGA 2 points ago +2 / -0

I guess my issue is them advertising as a Christian organization and specifically excluding people because they want to apply pressure on people to get the jab. It didn’t take much reading of the gospels to realize Jesus was preaching to love everyone and that his teachings were specifically so all are welcome to the Kingdom of Heaven.

I wasn’t looking for a house through habitat, i just wanted to volunteer but i will find somewhere else.

LessSwampMoreMAGA 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think I’ll do that. I recently started attending church but the one i go to doesn’t have anything organized for what I’m looking for.

I’m not looking for a job, i don’t have a construction background, just looking to be active and help out while i have some time on my hands.

LessSwampMoreMAGA 10 points ago +10 / -0

Looking for places to volunteer for construction work and its making me want to flip over some tables seeing Habitat for Humanity require proof of jab to volunteer. A supposedly Christian organization yet how many times do we see Jesus and the apostles welcome those who are actually sick.

On top of that their statement now includes statements on equity and diversity.

LessSwampMoreMAGA 10 points ago +10 / -0

Makes you wonder how much pharmaceutical development and companies is handed from or directly funded by the DOD/NIH.

LessSwampMoreMAGA 3 points ago +3 / -0

Have they picked white doing the response to the state of the union yet?

Would be hilarious if President Trump did it. Or maybe Stephen Miller or Kayleigh McEnany.

LessSwampMoreMAGA 2 points ago +2 / -0

I used to do this until i noticed a number of my saved posts were deleted. So i then tried to save as much info as i could offline but realized there was no export option and I’m not tech savvy enough to code in a way to export it.

LessSwampMoreMAGA 3 points ago +3 / -0

Knowing PV, it could be related to the response to the first story to catch them in a lie.

LessSwampMoreMAGA 4 points ago +4 / -0

I finally realized what bugs me so much when liberals/leftists spout the line “i follow the facts and data”.

Theyre not saying they follow the truth, they are telling you flat out that they are lying to you by manipulation of data. You’re not allowed to question it because “its a fact” even though they refuse to reveal the other facts that lead you to the truth.

LessSwampMoreMAGA 1 point ago +1 / -0

The medical community doesnt seem to want to address how necessary vit K is so its a tough discussion to actually have. Google “vitamin K manufacturer” and tell me if you see a coincidence.

NIH recommended daily value of vit k for newborn = 2mcg. For adults its about 100mcg per day. The fact sheet for the vit k injection for adults indicates typically 2.5 - 10 mg with side effects. I dont understand how they arrived at 2mg being an appropriate dosage for a newborn.

Supplement with 1mcg per drop https://www.amazon.com/MaryRuths-Toddlers-Absorption-Plant-Based-Formulated/dp/B08LR1WHJM

If breast feeding you could load Mom up with greens and supplementation off her own to increase vit k to the baby with a more natural biological mechanism.

LessSwampMoreMAGA 2 points ago +2 / -0

I can share some info (and personal questions and what the official response is) that I found that helped me make a decision:

This website was helpful in finding many of the sources used in the Vitamin K debate (note, they are pro Vit K shot but no one else seems to cite studies: https://evidencebasedbirth.com/evidence-for-the-vitamin-k-shot-in-newborns/

As for your question of not getting the shot but considering oral vit K, one talking point is "An Oral supplement has not been proven to reduce late VKDB": #1) when the shot becomes standard of care, you will never be able to get enough participants in a study to show its effective #2 They admit there are almost no late VKDB cases in formula fed babies because of the high levels of Vit K (this is an admission that Oral supplementation does work.

Talking point #2: "There are no FDA approved oral Vitamin K available in the US" Reason: The FDA doesn't approve supplements, it's out of their jurisdiction, there can't be any FDA approved oral supplements for safety/efficacy. You don't by FDA approved Vitamin D or multivitamins, do you?

Oral Supplement Evidence: Netherlands and Denmark looked at alternative oral dosing for years. Nearly all cases of VKDB were due to gall bladder issues (29/30). Vit K shot recommendation specifically says it doesn't work with underlying gall bladder issues (do they exclude them from data?). Other interesting point is Denmark switched to the Vit K shot because "Oral Vit K was no longer available on the market"...weird huh?

American Academy of Pediatrics recommended additional research on oral dosing regimes in 2003, yet almost all research done is "why dont parents want the vit K shot?" not what alternative dosage schemes work. Difficult to perform anyway when the shot is standard of care and you're looking for a very rare disease (nearly all cited data of incidence rates of late VKDB is 60 - 120 years old.)

My final assessment: No good faith effort is put into looking at anything but Vit K shots (don't think a good faith effort was put into looking at the Vit K shot either) and by their own admission and data, Oral Vit K supplementation works due to lack of cases of Late VKDB in formula fed babies.

Hope this helps.

LessSwampMoreMAGA 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yep, i started looking into hep b safety reviews after what we’ve seen with covid and it’s all the same muddying the water with definitions. Like you mentioned, you start asking ANY questions and holy shit they have to go get their cdc talking points. Pediatrician kicked us out of their practice.

To the hep B point as well: why give hep B? To reduce cases of chronic hep B that lead to liver cancer (HCC). Ok, so what have the HCC rates done before and after introduction of the vaccine? Theyve nearly quadrupled.

LessSwampMoreMAGA 11 points ago +11 / -0

Then there’s the vitamin K shot. Supposedly every baby born is vitamin K deficient leading to rare cases of hemorrhaging so give a 2000ug injection intramuscular to every baby when the recommended daily value is 2ug because it’s cost savings over vitamin k tests. However according to the cdc the mere suggestion that this ‘deficiency’ may play a biological role is ridiculous.

LessSwampMoreMAGA 8 points ago +8 / -0

Im still working on that. Pediatrician kicked us out of the practice for refusing the latest set because they cant be bothered to actually discuss anything other than whats handed to them by the CDC/ACIP/AAP. Havent found a pediatrician yet in my area that will see us without following the cdc to a T.

LessSwampMoreMAGA 4 points ago +4 / -0

The problem is they will never find treatment until they recognize what the problem could be. If they keep on with the “I dont know what it could be” you will never find answers.

LessSwampMoreMAGA 2 points ago +2 / -0

That’s why there’s usually a limit on cycle counts during the validation of the method. It used to be 25 cycles but covid-fda completely ignored that one. Anyway it would start off at research level first. I would not want any diagnostic test that did not evaluate accuracy/precision/limits/robustness of testing.

LessSwampMoreMAGA 2 points ago +2 / -0

Was thinking about PCR testing thenother day related to covid and the confusion of is it covid or is it the jab? A solution to that would be to run 2 sequences, one looking for the block used in the jab and one looking for a covid sequence NOT used in the jab. That would differentiate effects from covid vs the jab. This should have been done during clinicals if they actually wanted an answer.

Then that had me thinking, would be interesting to have the genome sequenced of multiple people that got the jab AND had their genome sequenced BEFORE the jab, then compare the two, see if or what differences there are…

LessSwampMoreMAGA 3 points ago +3 / -0

I still know some people that dont have cards and every purchase they make is cash.

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