Nice this is what I came here to say.
That meme is top shelf lol
Yea. Most of the stuff people go to the hospital for is just urgent care from what I can see.
The wall just got 10 foot higher lol
I hope they make these treason trials public. I need to see them after all this waiting.
The sense of moral high ground and zealotry is all they have.
Now corporate policy is elevated above governments openly.
I came here to say the same thing. He looks disgusting.
I'm all for stopping child porn, but doesn't it seem that it's easy to plant a picture on someone's device without their knowledge then they are in for life? IDK freaks me out. I hope their level of proof is high enough.
For sure Alex woke me up initially.
Fear of labels is probably why they took the jab. I don't know.
Sorry for the late reply. This should get you started.
I'm glad to see you are aware of the ahole Rockefeller was. He created the fossil fuel lie, also.
As gross as that looks, he's still more gross in his lifestyle.
He only gives out enough information to get people mad about the enemy but keep his audience otherwise in the dark.
Love x22.
Very shortly after Obama was elected. Before that I paid very little attention.
I bet the rest of the hospital staff continues to wear their mask and be obedient. Time for another dance.
It would be great if the majority of the population was able to systematically call this stuff out. I'm holding out hope that it will happen one day after the great awakening is complete. Do the same for family court, government sponsored marriage, and all the letter agencies.
Probably not as much as most people are eating. I grew up on a farm and cow and chicken was used for eggs and milk with the occasional slaughter for meat. Fish added more. We didn't raise pigs. I think if most people had to slaughter their own meat things would change.
This picture is horrible for colorblind people. It took me over a minute to find the x. What a shot!
I'm not a hater, but Barnes does tend to foam at the mouth a bit.
Look up "direct primary care." It's your best chance of getting a doctor that doesn't have head up ass syndrome.
it happens even on GAW