I don't see Speaker of the House in the picture. It says majority leader, which is a different position chosen only by the party, not the whole house. Speaker of the House is what they are voting on.
If everyone followed the rule of law, then the other branches would fall in line. The enforcement question applies to the other branches as well. The executive can not enforce laws from congress, like how border enforcement just disappeared. Congress can keep passing unconstitutional gun control against the court, like red flag laws. The court can make up their own laws that were never passed by congress, like abortion.
Eisenhower had to bust out the guard to enforce the court order on school integration. It still took decades to get Alabama integrated since they just ignored the court.
Thomas wrote this order up in such a way that i think he wanted it to be somewhat unenforceable and to setup the next case. It says if the state doesn't give you a shall issue permit, sue them. It will wind through the court, where Thomas could then say that you had your chance State, permits are now unconstitutional. It would then be constitutional carry everywhere.
His stepdad was Robert Maxwell's lawyer. You may have heard of his daughter, Ghislaine.
Midterms. She is coming up for reelection later this year and wants everyone to forget they aren't free by then before she starts back up with the tyranny the day after the election to prepare for another "winter of death".
Seems like America is having a serious problem with basic counting. Counting the number of votes or number of dead bodies seems to be just out of reach these days.
AmericaThe media as a whole was just in love with him andmot paying attention.not reporting on it.
Might as well start using scientific notation at that point
Things are getting so bad around here that they are even sending the jobs of prostitutes overseas.
I'm sure someone in 1999 saw purple haired Rodman getting an annulment from Playboy playmate Carmen Electra after only 9 days and thought, "That's the perfect guy to serve as an ambassador to North Korea and support freedom throughout the US."
I believe Texas has no law prohibiting deadly force against burglars in your home, so you probably wouldn't even need to bother with the park.
See the Joe Horn case as an example.
He was giving a commencement speech for the University of Texas. That's the hand sign for the Longhorns. I wouldn't look to far into it.
This guy is just your typical TDS dumbass. Good speech, but he is still an idiot. He was all for gun control in Texas a few years ago, but I think this speech is pretty old when he still had some of his mental faculties.
The US Marshall service, which is the enforcement arm of the court. When the court declared school integration in Brown v. Board of Education, there were some states that refused to comply so the US Marshall service escorted some people to class to make sure it happened. In theory, they could also start performing evictions but that would only be needed if the state refused to comply. I don't see states like Texas listening to the CDC about evictions when even the Supreme Court said to ignore them.
Unless by "some" you mean "everyone I know and have ever met over the age of 5" and by "180" you mean "die hard MAGA for life", then I don't think we're quite there yet. Sorry to say but I don't think we're anywhere near the precipice. You'll never get the 4-6%, but up and until you have every garden variety soccer mom absolutely abhorred at what they voted for, the awakening hasn't happened yet and they'll just vote stupid next time too. We're going to need an utter failure like gas prices and Afghanistan happening daily before everyone sees it.
Because discovery is for honest people. They aren't turning over anything and the court isn't going to make them.
The same Delta that was pushing the BLM line and protesting Georgia for election reform? Companies that are truly cuck free are hard to come by these days, just like politicians.
Forget Thunderstruck and Ride of the Valkyries. Just use 70s disco pop to make enemies wet their pants.
Just wait until they hear about the Plutonium Injection Experiments.
Similar to many other controversial studies of the 1900s such as Milgram's shock-delivering obedience experiments, the Stanford prison experiment, and Jane Elliott's eye color prejudice experiment, a systematic study involving radioactive injections into humans would be immoral in today's scientific world.
I believe the quote was
Sorry to keep you waiting, folks. Complicated business.
How about we trade all the hating leftists for all the loving Cubans. Then they could have the whole country of Cuba to try their "real" whatever communism.
If you get sued by both DC and Trump, you need to reevaluate your choices.
The Vax being harmful theory never made sense. They knew who would and wouldn't take it from the start. Everyone knew that conservative Christians weren't exactly going to line up for it. Wiping out your loyal useful idiots only to leave behind and have to fight well armed patriots isn't the DS plan.
If there is a devious plan, this is it. Throw out and hype COVID-19. Hype it enough to make it a pandemic. The useful idiots will self select themselves and get the shot. Everyone else will do the math and pass on the vaccine due to the low risk of the virus itself. Eventually they turn off C-19 and ramp down the vaccine production to nothing. Crisis over.
Give everyone plenty of time to pick their group before you release the real nasty virus, SARS-CoV-3 that goes with the vax. It's nasty and spreads faster than the wind. Miraculously the vax just happens to also protect against CoV-3. Give it a few weeks and all your true patriots are gone, leaving only useful idiot slaves behind.
Maybe there is a big DS plan worthy of a thriller novel, but I'm going with Hanlon's razor here. The DS managing to pull off such a coordinated plan like this is a bit of a stretch. A bunch of big pharma companies saw an easy way to make quick government money in some sort of heroic fashion to save the world. At the worst, they messed up and accidentally killed a chunk of the world, but they still got paid. Best case, they actually did save the world from C-19 and they still got paid.
Middle of the road case, they knew the risk was way overhyped. They put someone on it for a day or so to figure out how to just marginally reduce the risk of a virus with an already fractional risk factor. When it went from 0.0009 % down to 0.0001 %, they claimed 90 % efficacy and cashed their paycheck. Eh, they tested it on 30,000 initial test subjects and enough survived. Just enough to cash the paycheck of course.
The Enron guy story is way way more crazy than a simple stock sale. There is no way Lou Pai could've engineered the crazy that happened to him.
He hit strip clubs every night. Brought strippers back to the office. Charged all this on his company card. Got a stripper pregnant. Wife found out and dumped his ass. Enron fired him for tanking the subsidiary he was heading and maxing his company card on strippers. His divorce settlement required him to sell the stock. The order came right before the crash when the stock was riding high.
That is one super insane way to avoid insider trading charges.
He married the stripper. I think they're still together.
Maybe when China officially takes over, they will do us a solid and implement some of their better policies.
What's next? Department of Education enforcing martial law? They have a SWAT team, so might as well go all in.
Looking at pictures of her, I can see it. She didn't have real defined knees so she was probably doing it to make them stick out a bit more for perfection or something.