Yes, descends means to deteriorate… and I know you meant descends. But anarchy is something we will ascend to. Whether a leader has power or control is neither here nor there. The fact is there are leaders, for example Trump and Biden, or if you don’t except them as leaders, then perhaps Soros or Rothschilds or the Pope or Lucifer. Anarchy means ‘no leaders’. You have misidentified by calling our situation ‘anarchy’.
Can you justify this claim: ‘those who cannot see will never see’? Doesn’t seem true to me. I could not see, now I can. I’ve shown others who can not see, now they can. Have you never known a person who could not see and later can? Seems to be a false claim.
Self devaluation = I or this part of me is bad or not good enough. Materialist:
You can get the specifics at just go to the index and choose your issue. Your only mistake in your post is ‘biological symptoms attack themselves rather than invaders’. Nothing is attacking anything else, and there are no invaders. When you devalue yourself, you instruct your body to break down your tissue and build it back stronger. You tell your body ‘I am not good enough so make me better’. But this understanding has been lost, so when people feel the pain of the body structures rebuilding, they get all freaked out, and then a ‘doctor’ diagnoses them with a ‘disease’ called MS. If you want more self esteem, you can read The Virtue of Selfishness by Ayn Rand. Do not misunderstand the word ‘selfishness’. Btw, congrats on understanding it so well so far… you are close to recovery. Just tell your body that it’s great and you love it, and also put yourself very high on your values… You are your highest value, because if you didn’t exist, no other values would be possible.
It’s still false because many people who once refuse to see, now see. The fact is: all can and will see in this life or the next.