I hope someone corrects me if wrong and/or flesh out more details with sauce on top.
The Standard Hotel is where some bad shit has happened to kids. Some rooms are wired audio/video. Ya know; the usual gambit. AS allegedly did some bad shit there...
I think this is the place where a kid was killed and the hotel helped with the "clean up" job. Hotel manager killed for knowing stuff.
That's the skinny.
Idk... he's that transplanted Brit who is more American than many Americans.
I wonder what happened to him. We don't see this from him anymore... Miss that guy.
I thought Tucker was even more subtlety implying Obama was a pedophile.
But, how many remember Larry Sinclaire's claims of cocaine and blowjobs with Barry Soetoro??
Is this how evidence is introduced?
Yes. Exactly my thoughts too... he's set a trap.
The only lie Trump tells in this "Truth" is that he never thought it possible... I trust our man is 17 steps ahead of this clown show.
My surprised face 😐
Sounds ok by me... but then what monster do they replace him with?
This could impact the ATF's over reach and tyrranies
Didn't they try to "reclassify" documents before their shit show raid???
False flag blamed on Russia?
What if Trump is cheated out of Primaries??? 🤔
All the talk of "if we make it" (to elections 2024)
And, (I'll be back) ...sooner than you think"
This... gonna delete my similar comment
Isn't it fun to watch?
https://qposts.online/?q=MS13&s=keyword Q posts that mention "MS13" linked here
That man has waaaaay bigger balls then I initially thought. Did you see the look on all those corrupt people's faces when he said all that??? That just made my MF'n day!!!!
I believe this is a prelude to "The Storm" coming to the USA. There will be elements of this mixed in with a distinctly 🇺🇸 flavor. Indeed, removal of MS13, here and there, was necessary to "The Plan".
Who CAN'T see Trump delivering some sort of similar speech during a future State Of The Union Address before Congress?
That makes sense
I wonder why flares were used.
Vaxxed pilot?
@ purkiss80 - That's my take too. Notice how there is a point made that he is Christian... not that OTHER religion that has dominated v1.0.