LogicCircuits 3 points ago +3 / -0

It’s too late for Japan, they have a near 100% vax rate

LogicCircuits 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’m not sure the swamp exactly “submitted” …

LogicCircuits 2 points ago +2 / -0

Usually not before the party convention, right?

He may be an obvious choice, but I’ve yet to see anyone fit for the job who’s not one.

LogicCircuits 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don’t trust any J&J products since it seems like every single one has something carcinogenic. But my best friend got the J&J shot, and he’s probably the only one I know of who got it that hasn’t had any side effects, or at least he isn’t mentioning it. He knows how agains the jabs I am.

LogicCircuits 6 points ago +10 / -4

Quite simply, majority of Americans support abortion one way or another. Almost every Democrat does and many Republicans do to some extent. I would say the majority of independents support it as well, at least not a total ban.

Some people want to ban it outright without cases for rape and incest, and for some, even to save the mother’s life. I personally don’t agree with this because I don’t think that anyone should be forced to go through with a pregnancy forced upon them, or one that has a high likelihood of killing them.

Talk about total abortion bans does not draw the wide range of support many think it does. At this point you’re just reaffirming the views of hardline Republicans and alienating anyone who doesn’t agree.

LogicCircuits 2 points ago +2 / -0

From what you're saying, don't you need Q clearance to search those archives at all?

LogicCircuits 4 points ago +4 / -0

The 11.11.18 is confusing. Why even list the date? What happened that day? We are far from unified.

November 11 2025 is technically in the year 2018 judging by the Ethiopian calendar I guess.

LogicCircuits 3 points ago +3 / -0

As if there was any chance it wouldn’t pass anyways, but it would’ve been real funny if it hadn’t passed and they were just standing outside the door with the boxes of flags

LogicCircuits 1 point ago +1 / -0

Where do you think they would imprison him? Rikers Island?

LogicCircuits 0 points ago +1 / -1

If a country wishes to join NATO, it’s their right to do so as an independent nation. Russia can go pound sand. NATO didn’t force all of Eastern Europe to join, 50 years of communist rule spurred them to. If Ukraine wants to join NATO, I believe they should be allowed to, assuming they would pay their fair share (they won’t). Personally, I’d be opposed to it since it will only hinder relations with Russia further. If the US has to continue footing everyone’s bill, then we need to either force the others to pay up or reconsider our membership in the alliance.

Now, whether NATO is needed anymore is up for debate. The media definitely overplays how Ukraine is handling Russia, but it’s evident that the Ukraine war is not just a cakewalk for Russia. I do not believe Russia could handle a full scale invasion of Eastern Europe, especially now. Their nuclear weapons are what everyone is afraid of, and I don’t think Putin would be stupid enough to strike first.

LogicCircuits 3 points ago +3 / -0

I use M1 Finance, and last night I put in $100 into DWAC because quite frankly I’m broke so I don’t want to put any more than that in (I think it was scheduled to auto buy at opening this morning), and now it says my $100 has basically vanished to $0? It says DJT is an inactive security? Basically I made a separate portfolio on the app with only DWAC in it and it says that portfolio is now worth exactly $0 despite putting $100 into it yesterday.

Here’s a screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/jHnF2PL

Is this a glitch? Or did I just get screwed out of $100?

LogicCircuits 4 points ago +4 / -0


The preprint review, published on March 15, examined whether receiving blood from COVID-19-vaccinated individuals is safe or poses a health risk.

Many nations have reported that mRNA vaccine usage has resulted in “post-vaccination thrombosis and subsequent cardiovascular damage, as well as a wide variety of diseases involving all organs and systems, including the nervous system,” it said.

Repeated vaccinations can make people more vulnerable to COVID-19, it said.

The authors wrote that if the blood contains spike proteins, it becomes necessary to remove them before administration, and no such technology is currently available.

Contrary to earlier expectations, genes and proteins from genetic vaccines have been found to persist in the blood of vaccine recipients for “prolonged periods of time.”


So if the spike proteins can’t be removed, does the nattokinase detox I’ve heard about not actually work? Or am I not understanding what that actually does?

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