Gotcha, thought I saw that dog on Shiff's twit so made an assumption.
Need to use them as the backdrop for the firing squads when they are sentenced to death for crimes against humanity. Then blow them up.
I believe it's Schiff's.
I don't think Arizona is as big as missing 2.3 trillion dollars and I don't think they can pull something like that off again, but I do think it will be pretty big.
I think they set these things up in multiples, the FF's get progressively worse. I believe that tomorrow's or the one in a few days will be much bigger.
And the idea that the flu shot lessons symptoms also can't be proven.
It's blood in, blood out, you're stuck. kek
I'll do all the above with exception of the actual "hooking of the jumper cables" that part is on you.
Aunt Sidney is awesome.
I don't think it was manufactured but interestingly I'm currently reading A Distant Mirror, The Calamitous 14th Century where the "bring out yer dead" was an actual thing.
Good unless you have to ride an elevator with her ... stinky.
I'm not even sure I'm real anymore.
Bastards lit off a nuke underground to try and stop the protests.
Another Pede posted this for me.
The Aussies don't have a great track record against the Emus.
It was treason, no need for an orange jumpsuit. Present the evidence in a military tribunal and then execute her.
OK and he was one of the only red shirts to survive.
If there was an E9 on the Enterprise, Scotty would have been it.
Chucri, that sound you hear, is you shitting your pants.
Doubt there will be standing or some other trick. Seems this is just filler to keep us occupied until something big publicly happens.
I was just happy to call someone that without them taking offense. lol
Not sure if a cold or the coof.
lol ... more than just some Cardinals you pedo ass.
Just heard on the Project Veritas whistle blower video that it takes them 1/2 hour to fill out the VAERs report, add the other disincentives and there you go.
Fox called AZ before 1% of the vote was even counted. Brit Hume was even mumbling about why they would call AZ so early, he could see that non-sheep would see through that BS.