Anyone have more on this image or origins ty
Saved these I’m looking for any archives opening
🙌 - edit : Rods of God ty fren
ha welcome fren Barry’s arms thrice the size :/
You decide check out those bad boys !!:/
So glad to hear fren and adding to ur post I shared (: - I have major one now seeing red squares blinking but I had to medicate 🥺 happy you’re better was worried for anyone hurting
Edit : I feel something going on you? I never fag the feelings or dates but just with the Queen info 9/11 lots popping I just never felt this in years idk _>>> Cld bE tHe MeDS :)
he’s about 100lbs of man muscle heavier kek
wow amazing sleepy …hope ur headaches better fren 🐸
Kek I remember seeing a pic when Mike celebrated a birthday maybe last year they posted in separate locations (Barry & Mike) first time ever apparently they always posted together - and man He ->>Mike looked bad like just came out of a GItMo washing machine /: wish I saved it
It seems perfectly normal to me that FedEx ground, UPS, and railroad workers are all striking at the same time.
Absolutely nothing to see here.
#us #SupplyChain
Ht >>IceAgeFarner
My fren pointed out the upside down cross center of blocks - how many years I’ve looked at this and never noticed
My friends in there somewhere I pray he’s looking down on us All spreading the truth of that forever time in our lives
Sounds like a great weekend tea ty 🙌🙌
Interesting and it would not surprise me one bit -> wait what Kardashian did the hit ? - ok I need to search for this (:
Ok now that I didn’t know wow
Update from my Longbeach anon just now
He’s way off we have 60 ships in harbor. Majority of em disappeared because we unloaded em. Maersk is going full automation any day and will lose about 300 + jobs at our union hall also it’s a contract year we’re working without a contract right now so lots of stuff happening down there that needs to fixed
(just fyiif interested :)
Have faith we all doom it’s a long journey & are in this good and bad together & most importantly take breaks and do what makes you feel Good - it’s all here when you return and never feel alone ❤️💚❤️ Social media is draining and anons do information overload it’s in our blood so don’t feel you’re the only one going through this
Take care friend I suffer severe mine are different had them over 25 years now daily been prodded poked medicated and many surgeries (broke back when younger) but also it’s in my family heredity
I wish I had great relief or any information to help because we’re all different episodes triggers etc food allergies stress levels on and on So much can cause established neurological tightening of vascular arteries
My best relief has always been a great dose of acupuncture from an accredited PhD whom brought his skills from Beijing to Texas and helps me (sadly along with medications) stay out of the ER
I do wonder about the accession features I have a friend whom studies and swears it’s my factor along with severe ear ringing but I feel it’s a side effect of my medications I’m on
I enjoy reading everyone’s comments here on this subject as a severe sufferer for years maybe I can learn a new remedy not tried
I pray you get relief they're beyond horrible and excruciating no matter what category sufferer of any Migraine type is …they stump many numerologists
Get some rest fren we need you healthy 💚🐸💚
Huge post ty for this
I’m gonna send my fren in S Cali he works the shipyards long beach curious what he thinks …
Cmon now why this if no incidents
ATF and Police with long guns standing on the north of the IRS building @ABC24Memphis
Ugh so sad America is such a beautiful bountiful Country - Politician’s rule it all!!