💚Fren! 🐸 thanks for clarification >> EDIT checked
same fren I don’t think he could see through windows but most exciting !
from my DC fren :
Just passed a brand new blackout Tahoe the license plate was Q45 had a front government plate and a butterfinger f* the camera when I Try to get a pic - kek
original pic here he sent me https://files.catbox.moe/w87dxn.jpeg
YUGE Thank you to the Marco Polo team and Garret Ziegler for hand delivering a hard copy to every house member :
Again, all of these men have received our Report, I have met with some of their staff, and they have no excuse but to use our Report as a foundation for issuing subpoenas and criminal referrals, including & especially to local jurisdictions
Garrett Ziegler
Full report here
Watch the Wives
Remember the ds needs pawns on both “sides” to keep it moving along
Yep looks like they almost got a nice new $95 million dollar plant to boot in works ..slimy scum appeasing commies smh more
I agree - liked them but now see through their agenda obviously…always comes down to being a PAYtriot
They don’t need to spy nor steal we just hand it all over in return for what ?? …smh
She no like “whites” Edit : she/her 🤣 https://twitter.com/peoples_pundit/status/1590772115825123328
Alaska 😂 only English I heard
And stay out !!
Ben gets it always ❤️🇺🇸💚🙌🇺🇸 Stay strong Patriots !! >> HOLD THAT LINE <<
Wonderful thread making me laugh // 57 female patriot blood 4ever
Purkiss >> this thing did too kek’
an oldie but a goodie of proofs
Correct he has many videos on his exposure of states (if I recall correctly) by the numbers here is Michigan
Another mathematical breakdown was done on his data > but over my head
He ran for Senate in MA unsuccessfully
Interesting her (ex) partner and in 2019 w Tulsi on his FB page
I’m gonna cry about leaving this place and then hang around to see if anyone cares I left crying 🤣
Some more reading from the hedge
Old question TCP if you still have voat link for this dig I tried searching no avail there and can’t find old 8Kun dig thread either - just the 4chan pic - I’ve sent them down the hole >> Canadian reporter with some threads as well if you have any goodies you can dm me ty fren