Welcome! God bless you, fren!💯❤️🔥
Yes it is (happening)!!!!💯❤️🎯🔥
After lamestream goes down, do big pharma next!
Listening to this made me cry (in a good way)💯❤️
Ha! Tell your mom you know a HUUUUUGE Trump supporter fren (me) whose birthday is on Election Day, and I’ll be celebrating (in spirit) with you and her!💯❤️
Beautiful!! That’s our POTUS!💯❤️🎯
I was hoping this “boom” would come. Seems like the cheat that went on in 2020 is not going to happen again in 2024? (I hope so!!)
Yeah. The media has been playing a very evil, deceptive, nasty game of lying, cheating, stealing, etc. for centuries. They will say and promote anything that gets them a paycheck and some power/control. The brain washing and indoctrination is real and brutally in our faces 24/7! It’s really hard to say what games the lamestream media is playing, but it does seem scripted (they are feeding the masses with little bits of common sense mixed with a lot of BS).
Love it! Corporations making slaves out of good hard-working people needs to end!
I heard Trump say the early voting numbers indicate we are leading in all the swing states! He went on to say, normally we (republicans) are behind in early voting, and then “catch up” on Election Day. Great news!!💯❤️
Love this!💯🎯❤️. Thanks for sharing!!!
Jillian is spot on! I’ve been actively pushing good food choices, but almost all the people I talk to don’t want to hear it. Sure they’ll listen and nod their head in agreement, but there is no way they are going to change their eating habits if it means giving up their social status. Sadly, it’s too cool, fun, and acceptable to eat crap food, and it’s down right rude to eat healthy in front of others. This needs to change!
Drip drip….
Most of lamestream is way overpaid, just like most of the pharmaceutical and medical industries. The good, critical thinking folks in those fields (objective journalists, care givers, homeopaths) are way underpaid!
Yeah, and poor food choices are a big contributor to poor health. I can’t stand being at an event where they play in honor of people who have/had breast cancer, only to be hear a following announcement to be sure to buy some nasty, processed, junk food and drink from the concession stand.
Proud to stand next to you, too, konadog!💯
What a great way to (not) win over voters. I really hope the WHs don't let them (democrats) cheat and win again.
That was a great question! And, it was followed up with a great answer!
I can’t wait to see the one where they are training to evacuate from a building once they discover “a bunch of bombs in their building that were placed by their own government”
I think they had that ability in 2020, too, but they let the cheat happen (for reasons I hope to know sometime in the future).
I’m curious….hypothetically speaking, what would you do if your HR manager told you that you lose your rights to the 1st amendment the minute you enter your employers property?
Apparently, integrity and accountability mean nothing to her….
When did obama do this? I can’t remember the year, but I do remember hearing about it (when he did it) and I remember thinking, “oh that can’t be good…”. I’m interested in the year he did it, because it’s probably about the time I started waking up.