Yeah, agreed. Though, a pretty small crowd. Also, a crow that is desperate for a laugh (and they, in typical fashion, chose the wrong thing to laugh at). When I watch the clip, I can almost feel the TDS in that room!
Agreed. The woke folks are still alive and well out there. Lots of influential people willing to give up their freedoms in a heart beat just to make some money. We are one media-controlled false flag moment away from another 2020.
Yeah, I think the 10 percent of the population that doesn’t blindly follow orders are on GAW! Nice to be amongst all you stalwart frens! 💯🔥
Translation, “Trump and his team are in control!”💯🔥
Agreed. I was hoping there would have been some point over the last 4 years where there would have been a mass “uprising” against the lamestream media. But no…..a lot of people I’m around will readily give up their freedom to get a bigger salary and a pat of the back from their slave owners (for a “better” way of life)… materialistic it’s sickening!
I still feel unclear on how the US civil war really got started….so the south was controlled by the Ds at that time (and the Ds wanted slavery, or was that a guise for the Ds really just wanting a war to bankrupt the US)? If so, what propaganda messages were then being sent to the south to get the population on board to in a war with their fellow countrymen?
Love the Bible verse you quoted!💯. Needed that today!🔥🔥🔥
This is simply the straight up reason for why I vote for this man!💯🎯❤️🔥
God bless Corey🙏❤️💯
Does anyone else feel like it would be worth it to vote a million times for this man, get caught, and get thrown in jail for the rest of your life in order to have Trump as our 47th!?!?
BOOM! I really hope it (his testimony) sticks this time! I can hardly imagine what he and his family went through over the past 10 years.
I’m beginning to think the term “inflation” is so over rated. It only exists because of the debt-based currency we have (and that the fed stoked and perpuated). Get rid of making money off of debt (e.g., stop treating people like slaves), and start working to support each other regardless of the “money” you would accumulate. We’ve all been heavily indoctrinated to think somehow we can find an answer to this through money. I vote to find it through God. I do agree that, somehow, crypto will play a role in our future “money” supply,
Not to sound to insensitive, but I don’t think the “Hillary” we see on stage cares too much about what happens to the real Hillary. Dear Lord, I pray for a few moments with you so you can help me understand the good that will come from all of this worldly deception.
Here, and looking forward to another “winter of death” for me!
These “doctors” will never admit they were wrong.🙄
Ha! I thought the title of this post was referring to this man with the Trump flag (click on link below)!
Classic adolescent rant …. I won’t say I’m sorry until you say you’re sorry for hurting my feelings …. Adulting 101 needs to make a serious comeback in this world.
Why would anyone not vote for this!💯🎯❤️
A hypothetical phone call between nato and Russia:
NATO: Hello Russia, we want to start a war with you, but we don’t want to be blamed for it, so we can win and pretend to be the good guys.
NATO: I’m sorry, I don’t understand. Is that a Russian saying for something?
NATO: Russia? Russsia? Are you still there?
RUSSIA: …. click.
Well said by Clandestine! The US is a war-mongering nation, bought out and corrupted by a handful or two of power hungry control freaks. Heads up to all you power hungry control freaks — God has it all!💯🎯
Truth! Im channeling Glen Beck rn….Each of us needs to own our mistakes, and not let anyone take them from us (because that is how we learn not to make mistakes)! The difference between then and now is…..the truthers are speaking up!!💯❤️🔥🔥🔥
Just because you test something on billions of people DOES NOT mean you can keep doing what you set out to do. What do you do when the test results indicate failure? I really hate politicians trying to be scientists.