You are the one with the disrespect because you did nothing more than read the title, decided you disagreed with the title, and found a page to cut-and-paste.
Clearly, you do not understand the topic, but you think you can "refute" all I wrote with something as simplistic as what you did.
BTW, I also don't give a damn what you think.
Because you don't have the integrity to read, understand, and THEN refute.
Quick search ...
You did not read the post, which means you do not understand it.
Your "source" is a mainstream cut-and-paste job, and so you have no idea why the first sentence is wrong.
If you are that lazy, don't bother getting involved in this discussion. Your disrespect only shows that this subject must be way over your head.
Yes, as long as everyone goes along with a false narrative, and as long as Big Pharma can make a profit, nobody will really do any serious research to find out alternative explanations.
But I think we will get there, at some point.
Yeah, many "scientists" and "researchers" have claimed they isolated the virus.
But if you read the details, they are just talking about taking a fluid sample from one person, and they call that "isolation."
But they still did not really remove any "virus" (if it exists) from everything else in that fluid, which would be real isolation.
Nobody has ever done that. Nobody anywhere in the world.
And we are 5 years on now.
They do it with bacteria all the time.
Never with any virus.
Her mother was VP at the Bank of Hawaii, which was known as the CIA laundring bank for dictators in Asia.
Her father was known CIA, and I suspect her mother was, too.
Lolo Soetoro became a high-ranking officer in the military of the new CIA-backed government in Indonesia. They murdered 1,000,000 Indonesians.
I believe (cannot prove) that Obama's mama used her communist credentials to infiltrate the communists in Indonesia, who were overthrown by the CIA, to help her husband identify commies for Lolo and the new government to kill.
Obama himself has a murky and unidentifiable background. Most likely, CIA as well.
The substance of what you said is much more nuanced than you think. You're operating on a pretty limited mentality with it so I didn't really address it because it's not the main part of the discussion.
Ad hominem.
My point isn't to get at whatever truth you're peddling, it's that you're not among people who share your ideology.
I am not the only one around here with this view, but it is the minority view.
So what?
Are you the "censor anyone who has an opinion I don't like" type?
Why would you constantly bring up THIS particular point -- that GAW members generally disagree with me on this point?
I have several topics that others disagree with me on, as well, and many that others agree with (majority opinion).
So what?
That's the point of debate.
Just had back-and-forth about viruses in another thread.
Not everyone agrees with me.
So what?
I know a lot more about that topic than most who disagree, because it is a point of interest for me and I have researched it.
But nobody has to agree.
My guess is any critical questioning of your "truth" is never returned with substance, but only demands for the person asking to figure it out themselves, as is the common trend.
I'm willing to discuss this topic.
You are the one who refuses, and pulls out the strawman card.
Just look at several of my posts, and you will see that I often discuss topics in depth.
You are the one dancing around the edges and evading the subject.
There are numerous claims by scientists that they isolated the virus ... it hasn't been debunked either.
Yes, it HAS been debunked.
Those claims are false because they CHANGED THE DEFINITION OF "ISOLATE."
To "isolate" means to separate from all other things.
That is NOT what they do.
If they take the snot from ONE PERSON, and they ASSUME there is a virus in there because the person is "sick," ... THEY CALL THAT ISOLATION.
Becuase it is the bodily fluid from only ONE person, they CALL IT ISOLATED.
This is FRAUD.
I will create a thread on this tomorrow when I have more time.
The entirety of Virology is based on FRAUD.
Some of them know it; some don't even understand that they are not "doing science" at all.
went on to publish various test findings in medical journals
Medial journals are not what they used to be. Two editors of two top medical journals (Lancet and New England Journal of Medicine -- I think) both independently said that AT LEAST 50% of the research published in their own journals is FAKE SCIENCE.
It gets published ONLY upon "peer review." If they agree (muh consensus), then they publish it.
It has become a bogus non-science thing they do in those publications.
Either one follows the Scientific Method to "do science," or one does not.
Today, most of them do not.
And that means, it ain't science, at all.
Ironically, I think this can be traced back to Einstein, of all people, when he made the bold (and false) claim that science should not be limited to the Scientific Method, but should be something agreed to by consensus.
Now, THAT is stupid. And today's "scientific community" seems to be drinking that Kool Aid all the way to the bank (because MONEY is what drives most research today).
Also, I spoke to A LOT of people who said they "have Covid."
I would then ask if they FELT sick, or if they showed positive for Covid due to a test.
MOST of them said they had a test that was positive, but they felt fine.
So, that is just the fake test making them THINK they "had Covid."
And if they "caught a cold" the following week, they would assume it was Covid.
That is not to say that some people really WERE feeling sick. They were.
But it COULD have been from a number of things, not necessarily a virus.
Remember, 5G rolled out then, too.
I see all the comments in this thread, and I will write up a new post in a new thread about how we KNOW that viruses do NOT exist.
This is not an opinion. This is a FACT, as it has been proven.
But it seems that most people here did not get the memo.
I started writing it up, then hit the wrong button, and deleted it. DAMN!
No time now, but will post it maybe tomorrow, depending on what I have going on.
This is a topic that we ALL need to become educated on.
There are people in the alt community who are pushing the lab-created virus story, and many people here agree with them.
But many of those people pushing that have been challenged to a debate by the "no virus" people, and NONE of them have been willing to debate the topic.
Something is very wrong here.
Well, Daily Caller probably hires DEI, so ...