The commies game plan is the create the problem and offer a solution which never solves the problem in the first place.
Commies are all about the race to the bottom to make everyone beg for scraps from government. That is what these commies view as "equality".
I have to agree they are trying to run out the clock. This is why fixing 2020 is important because if 2022 mid terms come around they can destroy documents from 2020. And still keep the election fraud apparatus in place for 2022 and beyond.
Basically they are throwing everything they can in there with each batch. Mass experimentation and they claim it is "free".
Not if it costs your freedom and your health.
These opaque structures definitely do not look like shards of glass.
They can possibly avoid a government shutdown. And if they can not avoid a shut down it is because they want it to happen.
As for an economic collapse that is already happening due to gasoline prices soaring months ago. The unemployment soaring as we head into winter with inflation is what will be a major concern.
“The nurses revealed to me that patients that are vaccinated are getting Ivermectin, which is proven to heal people. But if you are unvaccinated, they put you on Remdesivir in the hopes that you will die” said Attorney Thomas Renz.
That is horrific if that is true.
They are trying to generate an over reaction to justify harsher lockdowns.
But we still have to push back against mandates. It is a difficult balancing act but so far this might be a turning point to awaken a lot of people.
Neo Cons are all in with globalization and "great reset" ideas. Globalization, like climate change, are designed to siphon wealth from Major Developed countries. And then to siphon what little wealth is left from Least Developed Countries of the world.