MAGASamson 2 points ago +2 / -0

According to the Bible as time progresses the world does not get better. Man becomes more evil at the turn of every generation; until this culminates in all the world knowingly rejecting God and following and worshiping a beast, The Beast. Seven full years of violent chaos, butchery beyond belief, spectacular diseases, heavenly judgmental events, and full blown immorality.

NCSWIC, declares the prophetic Word.

MAGASamson 1 point ago +1 / -0

Watch out for Mercy Health facilities. They are totally DEI and push hard on that agenda. Genitalia and skin rules not intelligence.

MAGASamson 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's what's inside that counts. Impactful display of "legion." Yes, like mom, like son; blood, blood everywhere.

MAGASamson 1 point ago +1 / -0

I honestly wished I had not clicked. The video is a train wreck. These two hosts are not user friendly and important information is lost in constant 'Comment Cuteness Is Us.'

MAGASamson 6 points ago +6 / -0

Grammar. Junior is fully spelled out in a sentence; Jr. is abbreviated behind a proper name. I doubt we are seeing special comms. The president is using proper format.

MAGASamson 1 point ago +1 / -0

Torqued bowel? Ischemic bowel? Is he passing stools? If so what is the color, caliber, odor type such as it being horribly foul smelling? Also, what is the texture such as diarrhea, soft-loose, normal, rabbit pellets, etc.?

I would hope stool samples and other tests on ejected fluids have been done.

MAGASamson 1 point ago +2 / -1

I handed to the nurse in the hospital ER the printed "Vaccine Exemption."

"I do not authorize any: Person, government, employer, institution, organization, or business... TO INOCULATE ME IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCE


 My right of consent is protected by International law, Universal declaration on boethics and human rights, article 6 - code of federal regulations title 21 part 50 Geneva Convention IV 1949 Article 2, Nuremberg Code of Informed Consent."

Further, it also includes in a separate section the instructions that I refuse all vaccine injections.

This latter section lists multiple laws national and international backing up my rights.

I have tried to find this online and it has disappeared (now I wonder why that happened, Umm?)

MAGASamson 6 points ago +6 / -0

I thank God for directing me to informed sources and I never took the shot(s). Hence, I have remained free of all so called general illnesses; i.e., colds, flu, etc., for over six years. My medical record now includes Nuremberg declaration that I refuse under threat of lawsuit ALL 'vaccines' including tetanus, flu, pneumovax and, of course, covid.

BTW, corporate medical hates noncompliance with the above listed. 😜😍✝️

MAGASamson 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes! Dr. Zelenko is a hero! I followed the D3, zinc, quercetin, curcumin, B12, and natural foods formula from the beginning. But you must not be lax in the application.

I did get Covid but that disease had its way with me for only 12 hours. Because of lack of diligence in the regimen, my SO dealt with it for two miserable weeks and was forced to stay home.

So I experienced, but disease processes still happen and recently I was diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. My blood work is wonkers to a fault. The oncologist estimated the disease had been working in the background for at least seven years. CLL is a slow cancer, curcumin is found to interfere with that process, 1000 mg/day, and I have been using turmeric/curcumin for a long time.

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MAGASamson 2 points ago +2 / -0

The missiles didn't get by with a little help from their friends... (Sorry Paul Mac).

How deep is your love? How deep are your pockets; Israel would really like to know.

MAGASamson 6 points ago +6 / -0

The site is ?? and a coffee commercial when clicking on the play triangle? No. This shouldn't be here unless there is sauce x 1000. There are many, many superlatives whisked into a click bait site.

No thanks.

MAGASamson 4 points ago +4 / -0

Three days ago I was able to have inserted into my medical record the 'Vaccine Exemption Form" as I was admitted to hospital with chronic lymphocytic leukemia/bladder infection. The nurse who took the form from me to have it copied and placed into record was delighted with me and we talked a bit about the vaccine and it's damage.

However, later when admitted I discovered a sudden 'coolness' in those medical staff who are required to access and chart the record. I said nothing but the goose-steppers are obvious when standing against the agenda.

In this above video there is a sudden inserted ad to go to CDC to get information on the Covid vax. I'm sure the criminals at YouTube made sure to get this done to point out 'disinformation' from a U.S. senator.

I am refusing not only the "vax" but all others including pneumovax, flu vax, etc.

EDIT: BTW, all of a sudden there seemed to be a prolific outcropping of staff wearing masks when around my bedside. One MD wore a face shield before even touching me. Obvious is obvious. The medical profession is filled with willful IDIOTS. "These people are STUPID." They choose to be so.

MAGASamson 1 point ago +1 / -0

We only sight-see fast food outfits around here; you know, take a fleeting look while passing on by.

MAGASamson 2 points ago +2 / -0

I suppose the hellish heat at that depth is rather telling. Just sayin.

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