MAGAhhh_igetit 2 points ago +2 / -0

"The hearing was eight minutes and Routh was charged on two counts: possession of a firearm while a convicted felon; and possession of a firearm with an obliterated serial number. He is facing up to 20 years for the initial two charges."

No biggie...

MAGAhhh_igetit 6 points ago +6 / -0

That was uncomfortable to watch.

MAGAhhh_igetit 5 points ago +5 / -0

Like that fugly brown suit, she also wears these earrings all the time. Easy to find with an image search.

MAGAhhh_igetit 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you're on Truth, don't forget your Truth TV options - RAV, OAN, RSBN, Patriot TV etc

MAGAhhh_igetit 6 points ago +7 / -1

Fr. Ripperger's Prayer Consecrating the Election to the Virgin Mary

Mary Immaculate, living tabernacle of the Divinity, where the eternal Wisdom lies hidden to be adored and served by angels and men, Queen of heaven and of earth, beneath whose sway are subject all things that are lower than God, Patroness of the United States of America, sorrowful and mindful of our own sinfulness and the sins of our nation, we come to Thee, our refuge and hope. Knowing that our country cannot be saved by our own works and mindful of how much our nation has departed from the ways of Thy Son, we humbly ask that Thou wouldst turn Thine eyes upon our country to bring about its conversion. We consecrate to Thee the integrity of the upcoming election and its outcome, so that what is spiritually and morally best for the citizens of our country may be accomplished, and that all of those who are elected would govern according to the spiritual and moral principles which will bring our nation into conformity with the teachings of Thy Son. Give grace to the citizens of this land so that they will choose leaders according to the Sacred Heart of Thy Son, that His glory may be made manifest, lest we be given the leaders we deserve. Trusting in the providential care of God the Father and Thy maternal care, we have perfect confidence that Thou wilst take care of us and will not leave us forsaken. O Mary Immaculate, pray for us. Amen.

MAGAhhh_igetit 1 point ago +2 / -1

If that's the case, did you not wonder why all the removed books are from the OT? How would the Catholics insert into the OT their own laws and rituals before they (& Jesus) even existed?

MAGAhhh_igetit 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not to mention his publicly available schedule literally says his location.

South Court Auditorium Pre-Credentialed Media & Pooled for TV [RSVP here by 10:00 AM] The President delivers remarks for the kickoff event of the Investing in America content series by 10:00 am]

MAGAhhh_igetit 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yo. This is the south court auditorium, in the Eisenhower Exec Building, which is a set stage. Remember Biden's booster? It was here. Trump's Operation Warp Speed covid Summit? Yeah, here too but with a better table/desk as to be expected from Trump. Obama? Same space different set. Come on now, there are real fish to fry.

MAGAhhh_igetit 1 point ago +1 / -0

Daily Mail ran the story and included this fun and related response in the article:

"Valentina Gomez, who lost her Republican bid for Missouri Secretary of State earlier this month, was among those who responded to Cuban's post on Friday with criticism of Harris' professional history. 'Mark, you have daughters,' she wrote. 'Would you like your daughters to sleep with billionaires to get into powerful positions in politics, sports, or business? If you don't, Trump is your answer.'"


MAGAhhh_igetit 6 points ago +6 / -0

HR258 The Stolen Valor Act of 2013 - Passed by the 113'th United States Congress. The law amends the federal criminal code to make it a crime for a person to fraudulently claim having received a valor award specified in the Act, with the intention of obtaining money, property, or other tangible benefit by convincing another that they received the award.

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