Good. Insane it's 100+ years later and it's the same shit different day.
I remember that university of Boston article where their labs created a covid strain with 90% kill rate...
... just fucking why?
Top 3 leader in ms-13 but where does that sit in the democrat hierarchy
Wait until you get to their logic and reasoning, and problem solving skills....
It's only getting released because he's Jewish, answers to Israel and so Nazi = Bad.
Yeah I don't understand why now? What purpose?
Probably be used to find nazis since the whole world is so fucking primed to the nazi = devil trope.
Even more so considering Javier is Jewish...
The manufacturing tolerance of the b2 stealth bomber gas door is insane
Lol Russia watching this getting excited that they're gonna buy more oil from them.
Yeah same. This article is very biased and makes no attempt to hide it. Despite the articleI literally starts off with the jew verbally confronting a Muslim for her attire.
And begs the question... why do we have judges who were not born in America!!!
I hear how great an ally Israel is. I'm sure they'd be willing to augment the Ukrainian army with a plentiful amount of Israeli soldiers
She's definitely living up to the stereotype
Was really hoping it was going to be a weed killer ad lol
Anyone that thinks this was an "accident"....
"We the People of the United States"
So citizens of the united states.
Also I can guarantee 500000000% accuracy that the founding fathers, for example, didn't write the second amendment to protect foreign invaders rights to have a gun in America.
Agreed. I find it strange Trump floated this at all.
Mt initial thought though was that this was specifically calling out the tesla terrorism as being mainly committed by people from South America.
I love living in a time that every government, private organizations and 3 letter agencies are all doing their best to research how to destroy me at a cellular level.
Yupp, the u.s. airforce was in process of collecting white Russian DNA at the time the Ukraine war broke out.
Bill of rights is straight up legislating morality.
I get the point that OP is trying to make, but you can't have a government devoid of all morality. Then you get things like communism.
There's a war for your dna. Protect it.
Felons cannot vote.*
Democrats playing themselves... again...
*(in alot of states)
The new and (no where near) improved Germans will have to take care of the country while they genocide the white population.
Germans need to decide, go to war, die and have Mohamads taking care of your wife, children and community, or send them tf out
Sounds they may need to consider instilling some fears into those conscripting.
Holy smokes fren, I think you're on the wrong team.
Leftist and the WEF seem to be much more for you.
What the fuck is even the point of anything if this is the eventuality?