Balfour Declaration Israel is not the Israel of the Bible.
The accuracy of the Bible is that there are twelve tribes of Israel. Judea was one tribe. They were called Judeans (which morphed into the term "Jews").
The so-called "Jews" perching in the old lands of Judea (which they call the Nation State of Israel) are of Khazarian bloodline. They are not of the Judean bloodline.
This is for starters.
In the end times, GOD will gather the scattered twelve tribes and bring them to the holy land. That HAS NOT happened. So, this talk of "end times" is completely off base....
He's right.
The mainstreaming of sodomy was the start down the slippery slope of sexual deviancy.
Preceded by the woman's "liberation" movement.
These two are the precursors to the cultural shitshow in which we find ourselves.
Say what Trump said.
Disavow any knowledge but the hearsay you've heard.
When Trump returns to office and he has the authority to implement Martial Law and he has the backing of a good chunk of the people to do so, that is a HUGE playing card toward leveraging the playing field to achieve objectives. Not that he would have to play that card (but, he could without hesitation). It's like threatening the "nuclear option" if shit isn't done the way he wants it done.
Why would Flynn, with his comments, undermine that playing card?
They work as poison. This guy is FOS.